--- title: Resources description: Returns a collection of page resources. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: - functions/resources/ByType - functions/resources/Get - functions/resources/GetMatch - functions/resources/GetRemote - functions/resources/Match returnType: resource.Resources signatures: [PAGE.Resources] toc: true --- The `Resources` method on a `Page` object returns a collection of page resources. A page resource is a file within a [page bundle]. To work with global or remote resources, see the [`resources`] functions. ## Methods ###### ByType (`resource.Resources`) Returns a collection of page resources of the given [media type], or nil if none found. The media type is typically one of `image`, `text`, `audio`, `video`, or `application`. ```go-html-template {{ range .Resources.ByType "image" }} {{ end }} ``` When working with global resources instead of page resources, use the [`resources.ByType`] function. ###### Get (`resource.Resource`) Returns a page resource from the given path, or nil if none found. ```go-html-template {{ with .Resources.Get "images/a.jpg" }} {{ end }} ``` When working with global resources instead of page resources, use the [`resources.Get`] function. ###### GetMatch (`resource.Resource`) Returns the first page resource from paths matching the given [glob pattern], or nil if none found. ```go-html-template {{ with .Resources.GetMatch "images/*.jpg" }} {{ end }} ``` When working with global resources instead of page resources, use the [`resources.GetMatch`] function. ###### Match (`resource.Resources`) Returns a collection of page resources from paths matching the given [glob pattern], or nil if none found. ```go-html-template {{ range .Resources.Match "images/*.jpg" }} {{ end }} ``` When working with global resources instead of page resources, use the [`resources.Match`] function. ## Pattern matching With the `GetMatch` and `Match` methods, Hugo determines a match using a case-insensitive [glob pattern]. {{% include "functions/_common/glob-patterns.md" %}} [`resources.ByType`]: /functions/resources/ByType [`resources.GetMatch`]: /functions/resources/ByType [`resources.Get`]: /functions/resources/ByType [`resources.Match`]: /functions/resources/ByType [`resources`]: /functions/resources [glob pattern]: https://github.com/gobwas/glob#example [media type]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_type [page bundle]: /getting-started/glossary/#page-bundle