--- title: RawContent description: Returns the raw content of the given page. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: - methods/page/Content - methods/page/Plain - methods/page/PlainWords - methods/page/RenderShortcodes returnType: string signatures: [PAGE.RawContent] --- The `RawContent` method on a `Page` object returns the raw content. The raw content does not include front matter. ```go-html-template {{ .RawContent }} ``` This is useful when rendering a page in a plain text [output format]. {{% note %}} [Shortcodes] within the content are not rendered. To get the raw content with shortcodes rendered, use the [`RenderShortcodes`] method on a `Page` object. [shortcodes]: /getting-started/glossary/#shortcode [`RenderShortcodes`]: /methods/page/rendershortcodes {{% /note %}} [output format]: /templates/output-formats