--- title: PublishDate description: Returns the publish date of the given page. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: - methods/page/Date - methods/page/ExpiryDate - methods/page/LastMod returnType: time.Time signatures: [PAGE.PublishDate] --- By default, Hugo excludes pages with future publish dates when building your site. To include future pages, use the `--buildFuture` command line flag. Set the publish date in front matter: {{< code-toggle file=content/news/article-1.md fm=true >}} title = 'Article 1' publishDate = 2023-10-19T00:40:04-07:00 {{< /code-toggle >}} The publish date is a [time.Time] value. Format and localize the value with the [`time.Format`] function, or use it with any of the [time methods]. ```go-html-template {{ .PublishDate | time.Format ":date_medium" }} → Oct 19, 2023 ``` In the example above we explicitly set the publish date in front matter. With Hugo's default configuration, the `PublishDate` method returns the front matter value. This behavior is configurable, allowing you to set fallback values if the publish date is not defined in front matter. See [details]. [`time.Format`]: /functions/time/format [details]: /getting-started/configuration/#configure-dates [time methods]: /methods/time [time.Time]: https://pkg.go.dev/time#Time