--- title: Param description: Returns a page parameter with the given key, falling back to a site parameter if present. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: [] returnType: any signatures: [PAGE.Param KEY] aliases: [/functions/param] --- The `Param` method on a `Page` object looks for the given `KEY` in page parameters, and returns the corresponding value. If it cannot find the `KEY` in page parameters, it looks for the `KEY` in site parameters. If it cannot find the `KEY` in either location, the `Param` method returns `nil`. Site and theme developers commonly set parameters at the site level, allowing content authors to override those parameters at the page level. For example, to show a table of contents on every page, but allow authors to hide the table of contents as needed: Configuration: {{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} [params] display_toc = true {{< /code-toggle >}} Content: {{< code-toggle file=content/example.md fm=true >}} title = 'Example' date = 2023-01-01 draft = false display_toc = false {{< /code-toggle >}} Template: ```go-html-template {{ if .Param "display_toc" }} {{ .TableOfContents }} {{ end }} ``` The `Param` method returns the value associated with the given `KEY`, regardless of whether the value is truthy or falsy. If you need to ignore falsy values, use this construct instead: ```go-html-template {{ or .Params.foo site.Params.foo }} ```