--- title: Keywords description: Returns a slice of keywords as defined in front matter. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: [] returnType: '[]string' signatures: [PAGE.Keywords] --- By default, Hugo evaluates the keywords when creating collections of [related content]. [related content]: /content-management/related {{< code-toggle file=content/recipes/sushi.md fm=true >}} title = 'How to make spicy tuna hand rolls' keywords = ['tuna','sriracha','nori','rice'] {{< /code-toggle >}} To list the keywords within a template: ```go-html-template {{ range .Keywords }} {{ . }} {{ end }} ``` Or use the [delimit] function: ```go-html-template {{ delimit .Keywords ", " ", and " }} → tuna, sriracha, nori, and rice ``` [delimit]: /functions/collections/delimit Keywords are also a useful [taxonomy]: {{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} [taxonomies] tag = 'tags' keyword = 'keywords' category = 'categories' {{< /code-toggle >}} [taxonomy]: /content-management/taxonomies