--- title: File description: For pages backed by a file, returns file information for the given page. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: [] returnType: hugolib.fileInfo signatures: [PAGE.File] toc: true --- By default, not all pages are backed by a file, including top level [section] pages, [taxonomy] pages, and [term] pages. By definition, you cannot retrieve file information when the file does not exist. To back one of the pages above with a file, create an _index.md file in the corresponding directory. For example: ```text content/ └── books/ ├── _index.md <-- the top level section page ├── book-1.md └── book-2.md ``` Code defensively by verifying file existence as shown in each of the examples below. ## Methods {{% note %}} The path separators (slash or backslash) in `Path`, `Dir`, and `Filename` depend on the operating system. {{% /note %}} ###### BaseFileName (`string`) The file name, excluding the extension. ```go-html-template {{ with .File }} {{ .BaseFileName }} {{ end }} ``` ###### ContentBaseName (`string`) If the page is a branch or leaf bundle, the name of the containing directory, else the `TranslationBaseName`. ```go-html-template {{ with .File }} {{ .ContentBaseName }} {{ end }} ``` ###### Dir (`string`) The file path, excluding the file name, relative to the `content` directory. ```go-html-template {{ with .File }} {{ .Dir }} {{ end }} ``` ###### Ext (`string`) The file extension. ```go-html-template {{ with .File }} {{ .Ext }} {{ end }} ``` ###### Filename (`string`) The absolute file path. ```go-html-template {{ with .File }} {{ .Filename }} {{ end }} ``` ###### Lang (`string`) The language associated with the given file. ```go-html-template {{ with .File }} {{ .Lang }} {{ end }} ``` ###### LogicalName (`string`) The file name. ```go-html-template {{ with .File }} {{ .LogicalName }} {{ end }} ``` ###### Path (`string`) The file path, relative to the `content` directory. ```go-html-template {{ with .File }} {{ .Path }} {{ end }} ``` ###### TranslationBaseName (`string`) The file name, excluding the extension and language identifier. ```go-html-template {{ with .File }} {{ .TranslationBaseName }} {{ end }} ``` ###### UniqueID (`string`) The MD5 hash of `.File.Path`. ```go-html-template {{ with .File }} {{ .UniqueID }} {{ end }} ``` ## Examples Consider this content structure in a multilingual project: ```text content/ ├── news/ │ ├── b/ │ │ ├── index.de.md <-- leaf bundle │ │ └── index.en.md <-- leaf bundle │ ├── a.de.md <-- regular content │ ├── a.en.md <-- regular content │ ├── _index.de.md <-- branch bundle │ └── _index.en.md <-- branch bundle ├── _index.de.md └── _index.en.md ``` With the English language site:  |regular content|leaf bundle|branch bundle :--|:--|:--|:-- BaseFileName|a.en|index.en|_index.en ContentBaseName|a|b|news Dir|news/|news/b/|news/ Ext|md|md|md Filename|/home/user/...|/home/user/...|/home/user/... Lang|en|en|en LogicalName|a.en.md|index.en.md|_index.en.md Path|news/a.en.md|news/b/index.en.md|news/_index.en.md TranslationBaseName|a|index|_index UniqueID|15be14b...|186868f...|7d9159d... ## Defensive coding Some of the pages on a site may not be backed by a file. For example: - Top level section pages - Taxonomy pages - Term pages Without a backing file, Hugo will throw a warning if you attempt to access a `.File` property. For example: ```text WARN .File.ContentBaseName on zero object. Wrap it in if or with... ``` To code defensively, first check for file existence: ```go-html-template {{ with .File }} {{ .ContentBaseName }} {{ end }} ``` [section]: /getting-started/glossary/#section [taxonomy]: /getting-started/glossary/#taxonomy [term]: /getting-started/glossary/#term