--- # Do not remove front matter. --- The `Next` and `Prev` methods on a `Pages` object are more flexible than the `Next` and `Prev` methods on a `Page` object. ||Page collection|Custom sort order :--|:--|:-: [`PAGES.Next`] and [`PAGES.Prev`]|locally defined|✔️ [`PAGE.Next`] and [`PAGE.Prev`]|globally defined|❌ [`PAGES.Next`]: /methods/pages/next [`PAGES.Prev`]: /methods/pages/prev [`PAGE.Next`]: /methods/page/next [`PAGE.Prev`]: /methods/page/prev locally defined : Build the page collection every time you call `PAGES.Next` and `PAGES.Prev`. Navigation between pages is relative to the current page's position within the local collection, independent of the global collection. With a local collection, the navigation sort order is the same as the collection sort order. globally defined : Build the page collection once, on a list page. Navigation between pages is relative to the current page's position within the global collection. With a global collection, the navigation sort order is fixed, using Hugo's default sort order. In order of precedence: 1. Page [weight] 2. Page [date] (descending) 3. Page [linkTitle], falling back to page [title] 4. Page file path if the page is backed by a file For example, with a global collection sorted by title, the navigation sort order will use Hugo's default sort order. This is probably not what you want or expect. For this reason, the `Next` and `Prev` methods on a `Pages` object are generally a better choice. [date]: /methods/page/date [weight]: /methods/page/weight [linkTitle]: /methods/page/linktitle [title]: /methods/page/title