--- title: transform.HTMLUnescape description: Returns the given string, replacing each HTML entity with its corresponding character. categories: [] keywords: [] action: aliases: [htmlUnescape] related: - functions/transform/HTMLEscape returnType: string signatures: [transform.HTMLUnescape INPUT] aliases: [/functions/htmlunescape] --- The `transform.HTMLUnescape` function replaces [HTML entities] with their corresponding characters. ```go-html-template {{ htmlUnescape "Lilo & Stitch" }} → Lilo & Stitch {{ htmlUnescape "7 > 6" }} → 7 > 6 ``` In most contexts Go's [html/template] package will escape special characters. To bypass this behavior, pass the unescaped string through the [`safeHTML`] function. ```go-html-template {{ htmlUnescape "Lilo & Stitch" | safeHTML }} ``` [`safehtml`]: /functions/safe/html [html entities]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-us/docs/glossary/entity [html/template]: https://pkg.go.dev/html/template