--- title: transform.Emojify description: Runs a string through the Emoji emoticons processor. categories: [] keywords: [] action: aliases: [emojify] related: [] returnType: template.HTML signatures: [transform.Emojify INPUT] aliases: [/functions/emojify] --- `emojify` runs a passed string through the Emoji emoticons processor. See the list of [emoji shortcodes] for available emoticons. The `emojify` function can be called in your templates but not directly in your content files by default. For emojis in content files, set `enableEmoji` to `true` in your site's [configuration]. Then you can write emoji shorthand directly into your content files; ```text I :heart: Hugo! ``` I :heart: Hugo! [configuration]: /getting-started/configuration/ [emoji shortcodes]: /quick-reference/emojis/ [sc]: /templates/shortcode-templates/ [scsource]: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/tree/master/docs/layouts/shortcodes