--- title: path.Split description: Replaces path separators with slashes (`/`) and splits the resulting path immediately following the final slash, separating it into a directory and file name component. categories: [] keywords: [] action: aliases: [] related: - functions/path/Base - functions/path/BaseName - functions/path/Clean - functions/path/Dir - functions/path/Ext - functions/path/Join returnType: paths.DirFile signatures: [path.Split PATH] aliases: [/functions/path.split] --- If there is no slash in the given path, `path.Split` returns an empty directory, and file set to path. The returned values have the property that path = dir+file. ```go-html-template {{ $dirFile := path.Split "a/news.html" }} {{ $dirFile.Dir }} → a/ {{ $dirFile.File }} → news.html {{ $dirFile := path.Split "news.html" }} {{ $dirFile.Dir }} → "" (empty string) {{ $dirFile.File }} → news.html {{ $dirFile := path.Split "a/b/c" }} {{ $dirFile.Dir }} → a/b/ {{ $dirFile.File }} → c ```