--- title: os.ReadDir description: Returns an array of FileInfo structures sorted by file name, one element for each directory entry. categories: [] keywords: [] action: aliases: [readDir] related: - functions/os/FileExists - functions/os/Getenv - functions/os/ReadFile - functions/os/Stat returnType: os.FileInfo signatures: [os.ReadDir PATH] aliases: [/functions/readdir] --- The `os.ReadDir` function resolves the path relative to the root of your project directory. A leading path separator (`/`) is optional. With this directory structure: ```text content/ ├── about.md ├── contact.md └── news/ ├── article-1.md └── article-2.md ``` This template code: ```go-html-template {{ range readDir "content" }} {{ .Name }} → {{ .IsDir }} {{ end }} ``` Produces: ```html about.md → false contact.md → false news → true ``` Note that `os.ReadDir` is not recursive. Details of the `FileInfo` structure are available in the [Go documentation](https://pkg.go.dev/io/fs#FileInfo).