--- title: lang.FormatNumberCustom description: Returns a numeric representation of a number with the given precision using negative, decimal, and grouping options. categories: [] keywords: [] action: aliases: [] related: - functions/lang/FormatAccounting - functions/lang/FormatCurrency - functions/lang/FormatNumber - functions/lang/FormatPercent returnType: string signatures: ['lang.FormatNumberCustom PRECISION NUMBER [OPTIONS...]'] aliases: ['/functions/numfmt/'] --- This function formats a number with the given precision. The first options parameter is a space-delimited string of characters to represent negativity, the decimal point, and grouping. The default value is `- . ,`. The second options parameter defines an alternate delimiting character. Note that numbers are rounded up at 5 or greater. So, with precision set to 0, 1.5 becomes 2, and 1.4 becomes 1. For a simpler function that adapts to the current language, see [`lang.FormatNumber`]. ```go-html-template {{ lang.FormatNumberCustom 2 12345.6789 }} → 12,345.68 {{ lang.FormatNumberCustom 2 12345.6789 "- , ." }} → 12.345,68 {{ lang.FormatNumberCustom 6 -12345.6789 "- ." }} → -12345.678900 {{ lang.FormatNumberCustom 0 -12345.6789 "- . ," }} → -12,346 {{ lang.FormatNumberCustom 0 -12345.6789 "-|.| " "|" }} → -12 346 ``` {{% include "functions/_common/locales.md" %}} [`lang.FormatNumber`]: /functions/lang/formatnumber