--- title: images.Gamma description: Returns an image filter that performs gamma correction on an image. categories: [] keywords: [] action: aliases: [] related: - functions/images/Filter - methods/resource/Filter returnType: images.filter signatures: [images.Gamma GAMMA] toc: true --- The gamma value must be positive. A value greater than 1 lightens the image, while a value less than 1 darkens the image. The filter has no effect when the gamma value is 1. ## Usage Create the filter: ```go-html-template {{ $filter := images.Gamma 1.667 }} ``` {{% include "functions/images/_common/apply-image-filter.md" %}} ## Example {{< img src="images/examples/zion-national-park.jpg" alt="Zion National Park" filter="Gamma" filterArgs="1.667" example=true >}}