--- title: define description: Defines a template. categories: [] keywords: [] action: aliases: [] related: - functions/go-template/block - functions/go-template/end - functions/go-template/template - functions/partials/Include - functions/partials/IncludeCached returnType: signatures: [define NAME] --- Use with the [`block`] statement: ```go-html-template {{ block "main" . }} {{ print "default value if 'main' template is empty" }} {{ end }} {{ define "main" }}

{{ .Title }}

{{ .Content }} {{ end }} ``` Use with the [`partial`] function: ```go-html-template {{ partial "inline/foo.html" (dict "answer" 42) }} {{ define "partials/inline/foo.html" }} {{ printf "The answer is %v." .answer }} {{ end }} ``` Use with the [`template`] function: ```go-html-template {{ template "foo" (dict "answer" 42) }} {{ define "foo" }} {{ printf "The answer is %v." .answer }} {{ end }} ``` [`block`]: /functions/go-template/block [`template`]: /functions/go-template/block [`partial`]: /functions/partials/include/ {{% include "functions/go-template/_common/text-template.md" %}}