--- title: collections.In description: Reports whether the given value is a member of the given set. categories: [] keywords: [] action: aliases: [in] related: - functions/strings/Contains - functions/strings/ContainsAny - functions/strings/ContainsNonSpace - functions/strings/HasPrefix - functions/strings/HasSuffix returnType: bool signatures: [collections.In SET VALUE] aliases: [/functions/in] --- The `SET` can be an [array], [slice], or [string]. [array]: /getting-started/glossary/#array [slice]: /getting-started/glossary/#slice [string]: /getting-started/glossary/#string ```go-html-template {{ $s := slice "a" "b" "c" }} {{ in $s "b" }} → true ``` ```go-html-template {{ $s := slice 1 2 3 }} {{ in $s 2 }} → true ``` ```go-html-template {{ $s := slice 1.11 2.22 3.33 }} {{ in $s 2.22 }} → true ``` ```go-html-template {{ $s := "abc" }} {{ in $s "b" }} → true ```