--- # Do not remove front matter. --- | Kind | Description | Example | |----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `home` | The landing page for the home page | `/index.html` | | `page` | The landing page for a given page | `my-post` page (`/posts/my-post/index.html`) | | `section` | The landing page of a given section | `posts` section (`/posts/index.html`) | | `taxonomy` | The landing page for a taxonomy | `tags` taxonomy (`/tags/index.html`) | | `term` | The landing page for one taxonomy's term | term `awesome` in `tags` taxonomy (`/tags/awesome/index.html`) | Four other page kinds unrelated to content are `robotsTXT`, `RSS`, `sitemap`, and `404`. Although primarily for internal use, you can specify the name when disabling one or more page kinds on your site. For example: {{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} disableKinds = ['robotsTXT','404'] {{< /code-toggle >}}