--- title: safeHTML # linktitle: description: Declares a provided string as a "safe" HTML document to avoid escaping by Go templates. date: 2017-02-01 publishdate: 2017-02-01 lastmod: 2017-02-01 categories: [functions] menu: docs: parent: "functions" keywords: [strings] signature: ["safeHTML INPUT"] workson: [] hugoversion: relatedfuncs: [] deprecated: false --- It should not be used for HTML from a third-party, or HTML with unclosed tags or comments. Given a site-wide [`config.toml`][config] with the following `copyright` value: {{< code-toggle file="config" >}} copyright = "© 2015 Jane Doe. Some rights reserved." {{< /code-toggle >}} `{{ .Site.Copyright | safeHTML }}` in a template would then output: ```html © 2015 Jane Doe. Some rights reserved. ``` However, without the `safeHTML` function, html/template assumes `.Site.Copyright` to be unsafe and therefore escapes all HTML tags and renders the whole string as plain text: ```

© 2015 Jane Doe. <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses by/4.0/">Some rights reserved</a>.

``` [config]: /getting-started/configuration/