--- title: ToCSS linkTitle: Transpile Sass to SCSS description: Transpile Sass to CSS. categories: [asset management] keywords: [] menu: docs: parent: pipes weight: 30 weight: 02 signature: ["resources.ToCSS RESOURCE [OPTIONS]", "toCSS RESOURCE [OPTIONS]"] --- ## Usage Any Sass or SCSS file can be transformed into a CSS file using `resources.ToCSS` which takes two arguments, the resource object and a map of options listed below. ```go-html-template {{ $sass := resources.Get "sass/main.scss" }} {{ $style := $sass | resources.ToCSS }} ``` ### Options transpiler [string] : The `transpiler` to use, valid values are `libsass` (default) and `dartsass`. If you want to use Hugo with Dart Sass you need to download a release binary from [Embedded Dart Sass](https://github.com/sass/dart-sass-embedded/releases) and make sure it's in your PC's `$PATH` (or `%PATH%` on Windows). targetPath [string] : If not set, the transformed resource's target path will be the asset file original path with its extension replaced by `.css`. vars [map] : Map of key/value pairs that will be available in the `hugo:vars` namespace, e.g. with `@use "hugo:vars" as v;` or (globally) with `@import "hugo:vars";` {{< new-in "0.109.0" >}} outputStyle [string] : Default is `nested` (LibSass) and `expanded` (Dart Sass). Other available output styles for LibSass are `expanded`, `compact` and `compressed`. Dart Sass only supports `expanded` and `compressed`. precision [int] : Precision of floating point math. **Note:** This option is not supported by Dart Sass. enableSourceMap [bool] : When enabled, a source map will be generated. sourceMapIncludeSources [bool] : When enabled, sources will be embedded in the generated source map. (Dart Sass only). {{< new-in "0.108.0" >}} includePaths [string slice] : Additional SCSS/Sass include paths. Paths must be relative to the project directory. ```go-html-template {{ $options := (dict "targetPath" "style.css" "outputStyle" "compressed" "enableSourceMap" (not hugo.IsProduction) "includePaths" (slice "node_modules/myscss")) }} {{ $style := resources.Get "sass/main.scss" | resources.ToCSS $options }} ``` {{% note %}} Setting `outputStyle` to `compressed` will handle Sass/SCSS files minification better than the more generic [`resources.Minify`](/hugo-pipes/minification). {{% /note %}}