--- title: base64 description: "`base64Encode` and `base64Decode` let you easily decode content with a base64 encoding and vice versa through pipes." categories: [functions] menu: docs: parent: functions keywords: [] relatedfuncs: [] signature: ["base64Decode INPUT", "base64Encode INPUT"] --- ```go-html-template {{ "Hugo" | base64Encode }} → "SHVnbw==" {{ "SHVnbw==" | base64Decode }} → "Hugo" ``` ## `base64` with APIs Using base64 to decode and encode becomes really powerful if we have to handle responses from APIs. ```go-html-template {{ $resp := getJSON "https://api.github.com/repos/gohugoio/hugo/readme" }} {{ $resp.content | base64Decode | markdownify }} ``` The response of the GitHub API contains the base64-encoded version of the [README.md](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/blob/master/README.md) in the Hugo repository. Now we can decode it and parse the Markdown. The final output will look similar to the rendered version on GitHub.