# Hugo Docs Documentation site for [Hugo](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo), the very fast and flexible static site generator built with love in GoLang. ## Branches * The `master` branch is the **current Hugo version** and will be auto-deployed to [gohugo.io/](https://gohugo.io/). * Anything not relevant to the current Hugo version goes into the `dev` branch. * Changes in [hugo/docs](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/tree/master/docs) will, in general, be merged once every release, but can be manually merged/cherry picked if needed. This goes both ways. * All contributions that is not tightly coupled with code changes, should be made directly to `hugoDocs`. * But we also merge PRs into [hugo/docs](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/tree/master/docs), but preferably changes that is related to the code in the PR itself To summarize, we have two branches in this repository: `master` (current Hugo) and `dev` (next Hugo).