package resources_test import ( "image" "io" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" "" qt "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type specDescriptor struct { baseURL string c *qt.C fs afero.Fs } func newTestResourceSpec(desc specDescriptor) *resources.Spec { baseURL := desc.baseURL if baseURL == "" { baseURL = "" } afs := desc.fs if afs == nil { afs = afero.NewMemMapFs() } if hugofs.IsOsFs(afs) { panic("osFs not supported for this test") } if err := afs.MkdirAll("assets", 0755); err != nil { panic(err) } cfg := config.New() cfg.Set("baseURL", baseURL) cfg.Set("publishDir", "public") imagingCfg := map[string]any{ "resampleFilter": "linear", "quality": 68, "anchor": "left", } cfg.Set("imaging", imagingCfg) d := testconfig.GetTestDeps( afs, cfg, func(d *deps.Deps) { d.Fs.PublishDir = hugofs.NewCreateCountingFs(d.Fs.PublishDir) }, ) return d.ResourceSpec } func newTargetPaths(link string) func() page.TargetPaths { return func() page.TargetPaths { return page.TargetPaths{ SubResourceBaseTarget: filepath.FromSlash(link), SubResourceBaseLink: link, } } } func newTestResourceOsFs(c *qt.C) (*resources.Spec, string) { cfg := config.New() cfg.Set("baseURL", "") workDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "hugores") c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) c.Assert(workDir, qt.Not(qt.Equals), "") if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && !strings.HasPrefix(workDir, "/private") { // To get the entry folder in line with the rest. This its a little bit // mysterious, but so be it. workDir = "/private" + workDir } cfg.Set("workingDir", workDir) os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(workDir, "assets"), 0755) d := testconfig.GetTestDeps(hugofs.Os, cfg) return d.ResourceSpec, workDir } func fetchSunset(c *qt.C) (*resources.Spec, images.ImageResource) { return fetchImage(c, "sunset.jpg") } func fetchImage(c *qt.C, name string) (*resources.Spec, images.ImageResource) { spec := newTestResourceSpec(specDescriptor{c: c}) return spec, fetchImageForSpec(spec, c, name) } func fetchImageForSpec(spec *resources.Spec, c *qt.C, name string) images.ImageResource { r := fetchResourceForSpec(spec, c, name) img := r.(images.ImageResource) c.Assert(img, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) return img } func fetchResourceForSpec(spec *resources.Spec, c *qt.C, name string, targetPathAddends ...string) resource.ContentResource { src, err := os.Open(filepath.FromSlash("testdata/" + name)) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) if len(targetPathAddends) > 0 { addends := strings.Join(targetPathAddends, "_") name = addends + "_" + name } out, err := helpers.OpenFileForWriting(spec.Fs.WorkingDirWritable, filepath.Join(filepath.Join("assets", name))) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) _, err = io.Copy(out, src) out.Close() src.Close() c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) factory := newTargetPaths("/a") r, err := spec.New(resources.ResourceSourceDescriptor{Fs: spec.BaseFs.Assets.Fs, TargetPaths: factory, LazyPublish: true, RelTargetFilename: name, SourceFilename: name}) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) c.Assert(r, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) return r.(resource.ContentResource) } func assertImageFile(c *qt.C, fs afero.Fs, filename string, width, height int) { filename = filepath.Clean(filename) f, err := fs.Open(filename) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) defer f.Close() config, _, err := image.DecodeConfig(f) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) c.Assert(config.Width, qt.Equals, width) c.Assert(config.Height, qt.Equals, height) } func assertFileCache(c *qt.C, fs afero.Fs, filename string, width, height int) { assertImageFile(c, fs, filepath.Clean(filename), width, height) } func writeSource(t testing.TB, fs *hugofs.Fs, filename, content string) { writeToFs(t, fs.Source, filename, content) } func writeToFs(t testing.TB, fs afero.Fs, filename, content string) { if err := afero.WriteFile(fs, filepath.FromSlash(filename), []byte(content), 0755); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to write file: %s", err) } }