// Copyright 2023 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "log" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "testing" "time" "github.com/bep/helpers/envhelpers" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/commands" "github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal/testscript" ) func TestCommands(t *testing.T) { p := commonTestScriptsParam p.Dir = "testscripts/commands" testscript.Run(t, p) } // Tests in development can be put in "testscripts/unfinished". // Also see the watch_testscripts.sh script. func TestUnfinished(t *testing.T) { if os.Getenv("CI") != "" { t.Skip("skip unfinished tests on CI") } p := commonTestScriptsParam p.Dir = "testscripts/unfinished" //p.UpdateScripts = true testscript.Run(t, p) } func TestMain(m *testing.M) { type testInfo struct { BaseURLs []string } os.Exit( testscript.RunMain(m, map[string]func() int{ // The main program. "hugo": func() int { err := commands.Execute(os.Args[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) return 1 } return 0 }, }), ) } var commonTestScriptsParam = testscript.Params{ Setup: func(env *testscript.Env) error { return testSetupFunc()(env) }, Cmds: map[string]func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string){ // log prints to stderr. "log": func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) { log.Println(args) }, // dostounix converts \r\n to \n. "dostounix": func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) { filename := ts.MkAbs(args[0]) b, err := os.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { ts.Fatalf("%v", err) } b = bytes.Replace(b, []byte("\r\n"), []byte{'\n'}, -1) if err := os.WriteFile(filename, b, 0666); err != nil { ts.Fatalf("%v", err) } }, // cat prints a file to stdout. "cat": func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) { filename := ts.MkAbs(args[0]) b, err := os.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { ts.Fatalf("%v", err) } fmt.Print(string(b)) }, // sleep sleeps for a second. "sleep": func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) { i := 1 if len(args) > 0 { var err error i, err = strconv.Atoi(args[0]) if err != nil { i = 1 } } time.Sleep(time.Duration(i) * time.Second) }, // ls lists a directory to stdout. "ls": func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) { var dirname string if len(args) > 0 { dirname = args[0] } dirname = ts.MkAbs(args[0]) dir, err := os.Open(dirname) if err != nil { ts.Fatalf("%v", err) } fis, err := dir.Readdir(-1) if err != nil { ts.Fatalf("%v", err) } if len(fis) == 0 { // To simplify empty dir checks. fmt.Fprintln(ts.Stdout(), "Empty dir") return } for _, fi := range fis { fmt.Fprintf(ts.Stdout(), "%s %04o %s %s\n", fi.Mode(), fi.Mode().Perm(), fi.ModTime().Format(time.RFC3339Nano), fi.Name()) } }, // append appends to a file with a leaading newline. "append": func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) { if len(args) < 2 { ts.Fatalf("usage: append FILE TEXT") } filename := ts.MkAbs(args[0]) words := args[1:] for i, word := range words { words[i] = strings.Trim(word, "\"") } text := strings.Join(words, " ") _, err := os.Stat(filename) if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { ts.Fatalf("file does not exist: %s", filename) } ts.Fatalf("failed to stat file: %v", err) } f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0o644) if err != nil { ts.Fatalf("failed to open file: %v", err) } defer f.Close() _, err = f.WriteString("\n" + text) if err != nil { ts.Fatalf("failed to write to file: %v", err) } }, // replace replaces a string in a file. "replace": func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) { if len(args) < 3 { ts.Fatalf("usage: replace FILE OLD NEW") } filename := ts.MkAbs(args[0]) oldContent, err := os.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { ts.Fatalf("failed to read file %v", err) } newContent := bytes.Replace(oldContent, []byte(args[1]), []byte(args[2]), -1) err = os.WriteFile(filename, newContent, 0o644) if err != nil { ts.Fatalf("failed to write file: %v", err) } }, // httpget checks that a HTTP resource's body matches (if it compiles as a regexp) or contains all of the strings given as arguments. "httpget": func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) { if len(args) < 2 { ts.Fatalf("usage: httpgrep URL STRING...") } tryget := func() error { resp, err := http.Get(args[0]) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to get URL %q: %v", args[0], err) } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to read response body: %v", err) } for _, s := range args[1:] { re, err := regexp.Compile(s) if err == nil { ok := re.Match(body) if ok != !neg { return fmt.Errorf("response body %q for URL %q does not match %q", body, args[0], s) } } else { ok := bytes.Contains(body, []byte(s)) if ok != !neg { return fmt.Errorf("response body %q for URL %q does not contain %q", body, args[0], s) } } } return nil } // The timing on server rebuilds can be a little tricky to get right, // so we try again a few times until the server is ready. // There may be smarter ways to do this, but this works. start := time.Now() for { time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond) err := tryget() if err == nil { return } if time.Since(start) > 6*time.Second { ts.Fatalf("timeout waiting for %q: %v", args[0], err) } } }, // checkfile checks that a file exists and is not empty. "checkfile": func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) { var readonly, exec bool loop: for len(args) > 0 { switch args[0] { case "-readonly": readonly = true args = args[1:] case "-exec": exec = true args = args[1:] default: break loop } } if len(args) == 0 { ts.Fatalf("usage: checkfile [-readonly] [-exec] file...") } for _, filename := range args { filename = ts.MkAbs(filename) fi, err := os.Stat(filename) ok := err == nil != neg if !ok { ts.Fatalf("stat %s: %v", filename, err) } if fi.Size() == 0 { ts.Fatalf("%s is empty", filename) } if readonly && fi.Mode()&0o222 != 0 { ts.Fatalf("%s is writable", filename) } if exec && runtime.GOOS != "windows" && fi.Mode()&0o111 == 0 { ts.Fatalf("%s is not executable", filename) } } }, // checkfilecount checks that the number of files in a directory is equal to the given count. "checkfilecount": func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) { if len(args) != 2 { ts.Fatalf("usage: checkfilecount count dir") } count, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0]) if err != nil { ts.Fatalf("invalid count: %v", err) } if count < 0 { ts.Fatalf("count must be non-negative") } dir := args[1] dir = ts.MkAbs(dir) found := 0 filepath.WalkDir(dir, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } if d.IsDir() { return nil } found++ return nil }) ok := found == count != neg if !ok { ts.Fatalf("found %d files, want %d", found, count) } }, // waitServer waits for the .ready file to be created by the server. "waitServer": func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) { type testInfo struct { BaseURLs []string } // The server will write a .ready file when ready. // We wait for that. readyFilename := ts.MkAbs(".ready") limit := time.Now().Add(5 * time.Second) for { _, err := os.Stat(readyFilename) if err != nil { time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) if time.Now().After(limit) { ts.Fatalf("timeout waiting for .ready file") } continue } var info testInfo // Read the .ready file's JSON into info. f, err := os.Open(readyFilename) if err != nil { ts.Fatalf("failed to open .ready file: %v", err) } err = json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&info) if err != nil { ts.Fatalf("error decoding json: %v", err) } f.Close() for i, s := range info.BaseURLs { ts.Setenv(fmt.Sprintf("HUGOTEST_BASEURL_%d", i), s) } return } }, "stopServer": func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) { baseURL := ts.Getenv("HUGOTEST_BASEURL_0") if baseURL == "" { ts.Fatalf("HUGOTEST_BASEURL_0 not set") } if !strings.HasSuffix(baseURL, "/") { baseURL += "/" } resp, err := http.Head(baseURL + "__stop") if err != nil { ts.Fatalf("failed to shutdown server: %v", err) } resp.Body.Close() // Allow some time for the server to shut down. time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) }, }, } func testSetupFunc() func(env *testscript.Env) error { sourceDir, _ := os.Getwd() return func(env *testscript.Env) error { var keyVals []string keyVals = append(keyVals, "HUGO_TESTRUN", "true") keyVals = append(keyVals, "HUGO_CACHEDIR", filepath.Join(env.WorkDir, "hugocache")) xdghome := filepath.Join(env.WorkDir, "xdgcachehome") keyVals = append(keyVals, "XDG_CACHE_HOME", xdghome) home := filepath.Join(env.WorkDir, "home") keyVals = append(keyVals, "HOME", home) if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(home, "Library", "Caches"), 0777); err != nil { return err } } if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { if err := os.MkdirAll(xdghome, 0777); err != nil { return err } } keyVals = append(keyVals, "SOURCE", sourceDir) goVersion := runtime.Version() goVersion = strings.TrimPrefix(goVersion, "go") if strings.HasPrefix(goVersion, "1.20") { // Strip patch version. goVersion = goVersion[:strings.LastIndex(goVersion, ".")] } keyVals = append(keyVals, "GOVERSION", goVersion) envhelpers.SetEnvVars(&env.Vars, keyVals...) return nil } }