// Copyright 2024 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package hugolib import ( "context" "fmt" "strconv" "sync" "sync/atomic" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugofs" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugolib/doctree" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/identity" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/media" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/output" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/output/layouts" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/related" "github.com/spf13/afero" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/markup/converter" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/markup/tableofcontents" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/tpl" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/herrors" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/maps" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/source" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/collections" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/text" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/kinds" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/page" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/resource" ) var ( _ page.Page = (*pageState)(nil) _ collections.Grouper = (*pageState)(nil) _ collections.Slicer = (*pageState)(nil) _ identity.DependencyManagerScopedProvider = (*pageState)(nil) _ contentNodeI = (*pageState)(nil) _ pageContext = (*pageState)(nil) ) var ( pageTypesProvider = resource.NewResourceTypesProvider(media.Builtin.OctetType, pageResourceType) nopPageOutput = &pageOutput{ pagePerOutputProviders: nopPagePerOutput, ContentProvider: page.NopPage, } ) // pageContext provides contextual information about this page, for error // logging and similar. type pageContext interface { posOffset(offset int) text.Position wrapError(err error) error getContentConverter() converter.Converter } type pageSiteAdapter struct { p page.Page s *Site } func (pa pageSiteAdapter) GetPage(ref string) (page.Page, error) { p, err := pa.s.getPage(pa.p, ref) if p == nil { // The nil struct has meaning in some situations, mostly to avoid breaking // existing sites doing $nilpage.IsDescendant($p), which will always return // false. p = page.NilPage } return p, err } type pageState struct { // Incremented for each new page created. // Note that this will change between builds for a given Page. pid uint64 // This slice will be of same length as the number of global slice of output // formats (for all sites). pageOutputs []*pageOutput // Used to determine if we can reuse content across output formats. pageOutputTemplateVariationsState *atomic.Uint32 // This will be shifted out when we start to render a new output format. pageOutputIdx int *pageOutput // Common for all output formats. *pageCommon resource.Staler dependencyManager identity.Manager resourcesPublishInit *sync.Once } func (p *pageState) IdentifierBase() string { return p.Path() } func (p *pageState) GetIdentity() identity.Identity { return p } func (p *pageState) ForEeachIdentity(f func(identity.Identity) bool) { f(p) } func (p *pageState) GetDependencyManager() identity.Manager { return p.dependencyManager } func (p *pageState) GetDependencyManagerForScope(scope int) identity.Manager { switch scope { case pageDependencyScopeDefault: return p.dependencyManagerOutput case pageDependencyScopeGlobal: return p.dependencyManager default: return identity.NopManager } } func (p *pageState) Key() string { return "page-" + strconv.FormatUint(p.pid, 10) } func (p *pageState) resetBuildState() { p.Scratcher = maps.NewScratcher() } func (p *pageState) reusePageOutputContent() bool { return p.pageOutputTemplateVariationsState.Load() == 1 } func (po *pageState) isRenderedAny() bool { for _, o := range po.pageOutputs { if o.isRendered() { return true } } return false } func (p *pageState) isContentNodeBranch() bool { return p.IsNode() } func (p *pageState) Err() resource.ResourceError { return nil } // Eq returns whether the current page equals the given page. // This is what's invoked when doing `{{ if eq $page $otherPage }}` func (p *pageState) Eq(other any) bool { pp, err := unwrapPage(other) if err != nil { return false } return p == pp } func (p *pageState) HeadingsFiltered(context.Context) tableofcontents.Headings { return nil } type pageHeadingsFiltered struct { *pageState headings tableofcontents.Headings } func (p *pageHeadingsFiltered) HeadingsFiltered(context.Context) tableofcontents.Headings { return p.headings } func (p *pageHeadingsFiltered) page() page.Page { return p.pageState } // For internal use by the related content feature. func (p *pageState) ApplyFilterToHeadings(ctx context.Context, fn func(*tableofcontents.Heading) bool) related.Document { r, err := p.m.content.contentToC(ctx, p.pageOutput.pco) if err != nil { panic(err) } headings := r.tableOfContents.Headings.FilterBy(fn) return &pageHeadingsFiltered{ pageState: p, headings: headings, } } func (p *pageState) GitInfo() source.GitInfo { return p.gitInfo } func (p *pageState) CodeOwners() []string { return p.codeowners } // GetTerms gets the terms defined on this page in the given taxonomy. // The pages returned will be ordered according to the front matter. func (p *pageState) GetTerms(taxonomy string) page.Pages { return p.s.pageMap.getTermsForPageInTaxonomy(p.Path(), taxonomy) } func (p *pageState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return page.MarshalPageToJSON(p) } func (p *pageState) RegularPagesRecursive() page.Pages { switch p.Kind() { case kinds.KindSection, kinds.KindHome: return p.s.pageMap.getPagesInSection( pageMapQueryPagesInSection{ pageMapQueryPagesBelowPath: pageMapQueryPagesBelowPath{ Path: p.Path(), Include: pagePredicates.ShouldListLocal.And(pagePredicates.KindPage), }, Recursive: true, }, ) default: return p.RegularPages() } } func (p *pageState) PagesRecursive() page.Pages { return nil } func (p *pageState) RegularPages() page.Pages { switch p.Kind() { case kinds.KindPage: case kinds.KindSection, kinds.KindHome, kinds.KindTaxonomy: return p.s.pageMap.getPagesInSection( pageMapQueryPagesInSection{ pageMapQueryPagesBelowPath: pageMapQueryPagesBelowPath{ Path: p.Path(), Include: pagePredicates.ShouldListLocal.And(pagePredicates.KindPage), }, }, ) case kinds.KindTerm: return p.s.pageMap.getPagesWithTerm( pageMapQueryPagesBelowPath{ Path: p.Path(), Include: pagePredicates.ShouldListLocal.And(pagePredicates.KindPage), }, ) default: return p.s.RegularPages() } return nil } func (p *pageState) Pages() page.Pages { switch p.Kind() { case kinds.KindPage: case kinds.KindSection, kinds.KindHome: return p.s.pageMap.getPagesInSection( pageMapQueryPagesInSection{ pageMapQueryPagesBelowPath: pageMapQueryPagesBelowPath{ Path: p.Path(), KeyPart: "page-section", Include: pagePredicates.ShouldListLocal.And( pagePredicates.KindPage.Or(pagePredicates.KindSection), ), }, }, ) case kinds.KindTerm: return p.s.pageMap.getPagesWithTerm( pageMapQueryPagesBelowPath{ Path: p.Path(), }, ) case kinds.KindTaxonomy: return p.s.pageMap.getPagesInSection( pageMapQueryPagesInSection{ pageMapQueryPagesBelowPath: pageMapQueryPagesBelowPath{ Path: p.Path(), KeyPart: "term", Include: pagePredicates.ShouldListLocal.And(pagePredicates.KindTerm), }, Recursive: true, }, ) default: return p.s.Pages() } return nil } // RawContent returns the un-rendered source content without // any leading front matter. func (p *pageState) RawContent() string { if p.m.content.pi.itemsStep2 == nil { return "" } start := p.m.content.pi.posMainContent if start == -1 { start = 0 } source, err := p.m.content.pi.contentSource(p.m.content) if err != nil { panic(err) } return string(source[start:]) } func (p *pageState) Resources() resource.Resources { return p.s.pageMap.getOrCreateResourcesForPage(p) } func (p *pageState) HasShortcode(name string) bool { if p.m.content.shortcodeState == nil { return false } return p.m.content.shortcodeState.hasName(name) } func (p *pageState) Site() page.Site { return p.sWrapped } func (p *pageState) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Page(%s)", p.Path()) } // IsTranslated returns whether this content file is translated to // other language(s). func (p *pageState) IsTranslated() bool { return len(p.Translations()) > 0 } // TranslationKey returns the key used to identify a translation of this content. func (p *pageState) TranslationKey() string { if p.m.pageConfig.TranslationKey != "" { return p.m.pageConfig.TranslationKey } return p.Path() } // AllTranslations returns all translations, including the current Page. func (p *pageState) AllTranslations() page.Pages { key := p.Path() + "/" + "translations-all" pages, err := p.s.pageMap.getOrCreatePagesFromCache(key, func(string) (page.Pages, error) { if p.m.pageConfig.TranslationKey != "" { // translationKey set by user. pas, _ := p.s.h.translationKeyPages.Get(p.m.pageConfig.TranslationKey) pasc := make(page.Pages, len(pas)) copy(pasc, pas) page.SortByLanguage(pasc) return pasc, nil } var pas page.Pages p.s.pageMap.treePages.ForEeachInDimension(p.Path(), doctree.DimensionLanguage.Index(), func(n contentNodeI) bool { if n != nil { pas = append(pas, n.(page.Page)) } return false }, ) pas = pagePredicates.ShouldLink.Filter(pas) page.SortByLanguage(pas) return pas, nil }) if err != nil { panic(err) } return pages } // Translations returns the translations excluding the current Page. func (p *pageState) Translations() page.Pages { key := p.Path() + "/" + "translations" pages, err := p.s.pageMap.getOrCreatePagesFromCache(key, func(string) (page.Pages, error) { var pas page.Pages for _, pp := range p.AllTranslations() { if !pp.Eq(p) { pas = append(pas, pp) } } return pas, nil }) if err != nil { panic(err) } return pages } func (ps *pageState) initCommonProviders(pp pagePaths) error { if ps.IsPage() { ps.posNextPrev = &nextPrev{init: ps.s.init.prevNext} ps.posNextPrevSection = &nextPrev{init: ps.s.init.prevNextInSection} ps.InSectionPositioner = newPagePositionInSection(ps.posNextPrevSection) ps.Positioner = newPagePosition(ps.posNextPrev) } ps.OutputFormatsProvider = pp ps.targetPathDescriptor = pp.targetPathDescriptor ps.RefProvider = newPageRef(ps) ps.SitesProvider = ps.s return nil } func (p *pageState) getLayoutDescriptor() layouts.LayoutDescriptor { p.layoutDescriptorInit.Do(func() { var section string sections := p.SectionsEntries() switch p.Kind() { case kinds.KindSection: if len(sections) > 0 { section = sections[0] } case kinds.KindTaxonomy, kinds.KindTerm: if p.m.singular != "" { section = p.m.singular } else if len(sections) > 0 { section = sections[0] } default: } p.layoutDescriptor = layouts.LayoutDescriptor{ Kind: p.Kind(), Type: p.Type(), Lang: p.Language().Lang, Layout: p.Layout(), Section: section, } }) return p.layoutDescriptor } func (p *pageState) resolveTemplate(layouts ...string) (tpl.Template, bool, error) { f := p.outputFormat() d := p.getLayoutDescriptor() if len(layouts) > 0 { d.Layout = layouts[0] d.LayoutOverride = true } return p.s.Tmpl().LookupLayout(d, f) } // Must be run after the site section tree etc. is built and ready. func (p *pageState) initPage() error { if _, err := p.init.Do(context.Background()); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (p *pageState) renderResources() error { var initErr error p.resourcesPublishInit.Do(func() { for _, r := range p.Resources() { if _, ok := r.(page.Page); ok { // Pages gets rendered with the owning page but we count them here. p.s.PathSpec.ProcessingStats.Incr(&p.s.PathSpec.ProcessingStats.Pages) continue } src, ok := r.(resource.Source) if !ok { initErr = fmt.Errorf("resource %T does not support resource.Source", src) return } if err := src.Publish(); err != nil { if !herrors.IsNotExist(err) { p.s.Log.Errorf("Failed to publish Resource for page %q: %s", p.pathOrTitle(), err) } } else { p.s.PathSpec.ProcessingStats.Incr(&p.s.PathSpec.ProcessingStats.Files) } } }) return initErr } func (p *pageState) AlternativeOutputFormats() page.OutputFormats { f := p.outputFormat() var o page.OutputFormats for _, of := range p.OutputFormats() { if of.Format.NotAlternative || of.Format.Name == f.Name { continue } o = append(o, of) } return o } type renderStringOpts struct { Display string Markup string } var defaultRenderStringOpts = renderStringOpts{ Display: "inline", Markup: "", // Will inherit the page's value when not set. } func (p *pageMeta) wrapError(err error, sourceFs afero.Fs) error { if err == nil { panic("wrapError with nil") } if p.File() == nil { // No more details to add. return fmt.Errorf("%q: %w", p.Path(), err) } return hugofs.AddFileInfoToError(err, p.File().FileInfo(), sourceFs) } // wrapError adds some more context to the given error if possible/needed func (p *pageState) wrapError(err error) error { return p.m.wrapError(err, p.s.h.SourceFs) } func (p *pageState) getPageInfoForError() string { s := fmt.Sprintf("kind: %q, path: %q", p.Kind(), p.Path()) if p.File() != nil { s += fmt.Sprintf(", file: %q", p.File().Filename()) } return s } func (p *pageState) getContentConverter() converter.Converter { var err error p.contentConverterInit.Do(func() { markup := p.m.pageConfig.Markup if markup == "html" { // Only used for shortcode inner content. markup = "markdown" } p.contentConverter, err = p.m.newContentConverter(p, markup) }) if err != nil { p.s.Log.Errorln("Failed to create content converter:", err) } return p.contentConverter } func (p *pageState) errorf(err error, format string, a ...any) error { if herrors.UnwrapFileError(err) != nil { // More isn't always better. return err } args := append([]any{p.Language().Lang, p.pathOrTitle()}, a...) args = append(args, err) format = "[%s] page %q: " + format + ": %w" if err == nil { return fmt.Errorf(format, args...) } return fmt.Errorf(format, args...) } func (p *pageState) outputFormat() (f output.Format) { if p.pageOutput == nil { panic("no pageOutput") } return p.pageOutput.f } func (p *pageState) parseError(err error, input []byte, offset int) error { pos := posFromInput("", input, offset) return herrors.NewFileErrorFromName(err, p.File().Filename()).UpdatePosition(pos) } func (p *pageState) pathOrTitle() string { if p.File() != nil { return p.File().Filename() } if p.Path() != "" { return p.Path() } return p.Title() } func (p *pageState) posFromInput(input []byte, offset int) text.Position { return posFromInput(p.pathOrTitle(), input, offset) } func (p *pageState) posOffset(offset int) text.Position { return p.posFromInput(p.m.content.mustSource(), offset) } // shiftToOutputFormat is serialized. The output format idx refers to the // full set of output formats for all sites. // This is serialized. func (p *pageState) shiftToOutputFormat(isRenderingSite bool, idx int) error { if err := p.initPage(); err != nil { return err } if len(p.pageOutputs) == 1 { idx = 0 } p.pageOutputIdx = idx p.pageOutput = p.pageOutputs[idx] if p.pageOutput == nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("pageOutput is nil for output idx %d", idx)) } // Reset any built paginator. This will trigger when re-rendering pages in // server mode. if isRenderingSite && p.pageOutput.paginator != nil && p.pageOutput.paginator.current != nil { p.pageOutput.paginator.reset() } if isRenderingSite { cp := p.pageOutput.pco if cp == nil && p.reusePageOutputContent() { // Look for content to reuse. for i := 0; i < len(p.pageOutputs); i++ { if i == idx { continue } po := p.pageOutputs[i] if po.pco != nil { cp = po.pco break } } } if cp == nil { var err error cp, err = newPageContentOutput(p.pageOutput) if err != nil { return err } } p.pageOutput.setContentProvider(cp) } else { // We attempt to assign pageContentOutputs while preparing each site // for rendering and before rendering each site. This lets us share // content between page outputs to conserve resources. But if a template // unexpectedly calls a method of a ContentProvider that is not yet // initialized, we assign a LazyContentProvider that performs the // initialization just in time. if lcp, ok := (p.pageOutput.ContentProvider.(*page.LazyContentProvider)); ok { lcp.Reset() } else { lcp = page.NewLazyContentProvider(func() (page.OutputFormatContentProvider, error) { cp, err := newPageContentOutput(p.pageOutput) if err != nil { return nil, err } return cp, nil }) p.pageOutput.contentRenderer = lcp p.pageOutput.ContentProvider = lcp p.pageOutput.PageRenderProvider = lcp p.pageOutput.TableOfContentsProvider = lcp } } return nil } var ( _ page.Page = (*pageWithOrdinal)(nil) _ collections.Order = (*pageWithOrdinal)(nil) _ pageWrapper = (*pageWithOrdinal)(nil) ) type pageWithOrdinal struct { ordinal int *pageState } func (p pageWithOrdinal) Ordinal() int { return p.ordinal } func (p pageWithOrdinal) page() page.Page { return p.pageState } type pageWithWeight0 struct { weight0 int *pageState } func (p pageWithWeight0) Weight0() int { return p.weight0 } func (p pageWithWeight0) page() page.Page { return p.pageState }