--- title: safe.HTMLAttr description: Declares the given key/value pair as a safe HTML attribute. categories: [] keywords: [] action: aliases: [safeHTMLAttr] related: - functions/safe/CSS - functions/safe/HTML - functions/safe/JS - functions/safe/JSStr - functions/safe/URL returnType: template.HTMLAttr signatures: [safe.HTMLAttr INPUT] aliases: [/functions/safehtmlattr] --- Given a site configuration that contains this menu entry: {{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} [[menus.main]] name = "IRC" url = "irc://irc.freenode.net/#golang" {{< /code-toggle >}} Attempting to use the `url` value directly in an attribute: ```go-html-template {{ range site.Menus.main }} {{ .Name }} {{ end }} ``` Will produce: ```html IRC ``` `ZgotmplZ` is a special value, inserted by Go's [template/html] package, that indicates that unsafe content reached a CSS or URL context. To indicate that the HTML attribute is safe: ```go-html-template {{ range site.Menus.main }} {{ .Name }} {{ end }} ``` {{% note %}} As demonstrated above, you must pass the HTML attribute name _and_ value through the function. Applying `safeHTMLAttr` to the attribute value has no effect. {{% /note %}} [template/html]: https://pkg.go.dev/html/template