# Test the new command. hugo new site -h stdout 'Create a new site in the provided directory' hugo new site mysite -f stdout 'Congratulations! Your new Hugo site is created in' cd mysite checkfile hugo.toml hugo new theme -h stdout 'Create a new site in the provided directory' hugo new theme mytheme stdout 'Creating theme' cd themes cd mytheme checkfile theme.toml checkfile hugo.toml exists layouts/_default/list.html exists layouts/_default/single.html cd $WORK/mysite hugo new -h stdout 'Create a new content file.' hugo new posts/my-first-post.md checkfile content/posts/my-first-post.md cd .. cd myexistingsite hugo new post/foo.md -t mytheme grep 'Dummy content' content/post/foo.md -- myexistingsite/hugo.toml -- theme = "mytheme" -- myexistingsite/content/p1.md -- --- title: "P1" --- -- myexistingsite/themes/mytheme/hugo.toml -- -- myexistingsite/themes/mytheme/archetypes/post.md -- --- title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" date: {{ .Date }} draft: true --- Dummy content.