--- title: Frequently Asked Questions linktitle: FAQ description: Solutions to some common Hugo problems. date: 2018-02-10 categories: [troubleshooting] menu: docs: parent: "troubleshooting" keywords: [faqs] weight: 2 toc: true aliases: [/faq/] --- {{% note %}} **Note:** The answers/solutions presented below are short, and may not be enough to solve your problem. Visit [Hugo Discourse](https://discourse.gohugo.io/) and use the search. It that does not help, start a new topic and ask your questions. {{% /note %}} ## I can't see my content! Is your Markdown file [in draft mode](https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter/#front-matter-variables)? When testing, run `hugo server` with the `-D` or `--buildDrafts` [switch](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/usage/#draft-future-and-expired-content). Is your Markdown file part of a [leaf bundle](/content-management/page-bundles/)? If there is an `index.md` file in the same or any parent directory then other Markdown files will not be rendered as individual pages. ## Can I set configuration variables via OS environment? Yes you can! See [Configure with Environment Variables](/getting-started/configuration/#configure-with-environment-variables). ## How do I schedule posts? 1. Set `publishDate` in the page [Front Matter](/content-management/front-matter/) to a datetime in the future. If you want the creation and publication datetime to be the same, it's also sufficient to only set `date`[^date-hierarchy]. 2. Build and publish at intervals. How to automate the "publish at intervals" part depends on your situation: * If you deploy from your own PC/server, you can automate with [Cron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron) or similar. * If your site is hosted on a service similar to [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/) you can: * Use a service such as [ifttt](https://ifttt.com/date_and_time) to schedule the updates * Set up a deploy hook which you can run with a cron service to deploy your site at intervals, such as [cron-job.org](https://cron-job.org/) (both Netlify and Cloudflare Pages support deploy hooks) Also see this Twitter thread: {{< tweet user="ChrisShort" id="962380712027590657" >}} [^date-hierarchy]: See [Configure Dates](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/#configure-dates) for the order in which the different date variables are complemented by each other when not explicitly set. ## Can I use the latest Hugo version on Netlify? Yes you can! Read [this](/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-netlify/#configure-hugo-version-in-netlify). ## I get "... this feature is not available in your current Hugo version" If you process `SCSS` or `Sass` to `CSS` in your Hugo project with `libsass` as the transpiler or if you convert images to the `webp` format, you need the Hugo `extended` version, or else you may see an error message similar to the below: ```bash error: failed to transform resource: TOCSS: failed to transform "scss/main.scss" (text/x-scss): this feature is not available in your current Hugo version ``` We release two set of binaries for technical reasons. The extended version is not what you get by default for some installation methods. On the [release page](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases), look for archives with `extended` in the name. To build `hugo-extended`, use `go install --tags extended` To confirm, run `hugo version` and look for the word `extended`.