--- title: Page variables description: Page-level variables are defined in a content file's front matter, derived from the content's file location, or extracted from the content body itself. categories: [variables and parameters] keywords: [pages] menu: docs: parent: variables weight: 20 weight: 20 toc: true --- The following is a list of page-level variables. Many of these will be defined in the front matter, derived from file location, or extracted from the content itself. ## Page variables .AlternativeOutputFormats : Contains all alternative formats for a given page; this variable is especially useful `link rel` list in your site's ``. (See [Output Formats](/templates/output-formats/).) .Aliases : Aliases of this page .Ancestors : Ancestors of this page. .BundleType : The [bundle] type: `leaf`, `branch`, or an empty string if the page is not a bundle. .Content : The content itself, defined below the front matter. .Data : The data specific to this type of page. .Date : The date associated with the page. By default, this is the front matter `date` value. See [configuring dates] for a description of fallback values and precedence. See also `.ExpiryDate`, `.Lastmod`, and `.PublishDate`. .Description : The description for the page. .Draft : A boolean, `true` if the content is marked as a draft in the front matter. .ExpiryDate : The date on which the content is scheduled to expire. By default, this is the front matter `expiryDate` value. See [configuring dates] for a description of fallback values and precedence. See also `.Date`, `.Lastmod`, and `.PublishDate`. .File : Filesystem-related data for this content file. See also [File Variables]. .Fragments : Fragments returns the fragments for this page. See [Page Fragments](#page-fragments). .FuzzyWordCount : The approximate number of words in the content. .IsHome : `true` in the context of the [homepage](/templates/homepage/). .IsNode : Always `false` for regular content pages. .IsPage : Always `true` for regular content pages. .IsSection : `true` if [`.Kind`](/templates/section-templates/#page-kinds) is `section`. .IsTranslated : `true` if there are translations to display. .Keywords : The meta keywords for the content. .Kind : The page's *kind*. Possible return values are `page`, `home`, `section`, `taxonomy`, or `term`. Note that there are also `RSS`, `sitemap`, `robotsTXT`, and `404` kinds, but these are only available during the rendering of each of these respective page's kind and therefore *not* available in any of the `Pages` collections. .Language : A language object that points to the language's definition in the site configuration. `.Language.Lang` gives you the language code. .Lastmod : The date on which the content was last modified. By default, if `enableGitInfo` is `true` in your site configuration, this is the Git author date, otherwise the front matter `lastmod` value. See [configuring dates] for a description of fallback values and precedence. See also `.Date`,`ExpiryDate`, `.PublishDate`, and [`.GitInfo`][gitinfo]. .LinkTitle : Access when creating links to the content. If set, Hugo will use the `linktitle` from the front matter before `title`. .Next : Points up to the next regular page (sorted by Hugo's [default sort](/templates/lists#default-weight--date--linktitle--filepath)). Example: `{{ with .Next }}{{ .Permalink }}{{ end }}`. Calling `.Next` from the first page returns `nil`. .NextInSection : Points up to the next regular page below the same top level section (e.g. in `/blog`)). Pages are sorted by Hugo's [default sort](/templates/lists#default-weight--date--linktitle--filepath). Example: `{{ with .NextInSection }}{{ .Permalink }}{{ end }}`. Calling `.NextInSection` from the first page returns `nil`. .OutputFormats : Contains all formats, including the current format, for a given page. Can be combined the with [`.Get` function](/functions/get/) to grab a specific format. (See [Output Formats](/templates/output-formats/).) .Permalink : The Permanent link for this page; see [Permalinks](/content-management/urls/) .Plain : The Page content stripped of HTML tags and presented as a string. You may need to pipe the result through the [`htmlUnescape`](/functions/transform/htmlunescape) function when rendering this value with the HTML [output format](/templates/output-formats#output-format-definitions). .PlainWords : The slice of strings that results from splitting .Plain into words, as defined in Go's [strings.Fields](https://pkg.go.dev/strings#Fields). .Prev : Points down to the previous regular page(sorted by Hugo's [default sort](/templates/lists#default-weight--date--linktitle--filepath)). Example: `{{ if .Prev }}{{ .Prev.Permalink }}{{ end }}`. Calling `.Prev` from the last page returns `nil`. .PrevInSection : Points down to the previous regular page below the same top level section (e.g. `/blog`). Pages are sorted by Hugo's [default sort](/templates/lists#default-weight--date--linktitle--filepath). Example: `{{ if .PrevInSection }}{{ .PrevInSection.Permalink }}{{ end }}`. Calling `.PrevInSection` from the last page returns `nil`. .PublishDate : The date on which the content was or will be published. By default, this is the front matter `publishDate` value. See [configuring dates] for a description of fallback values and precedence. See also `.Date`, `.ExpiryDate`, and `.Lastmod`. .RawContent : Raw markdown content without the front matter. Useful with [remarkjs.com]( https://remarkjs.com) .RenderShortcodes : See [Render Shortcodes](#rendershortcodes). .ReadingTime : The estimated time, in minutes, it takes to read the content. .Resources : Resources such as images and CSS that are associated with this page .Ref : Returns the permalink for a given reference (e.g., `.Ref "sample.md"`). `.Ref` does *not* handle in-page fragments correctly. See [Cross References](/content-management/cross-references/). .RelPermalink : The relative permanent link for this page. .RelRef : Returns the relative permalink for a given reference (e.g., `RelRef "sample.md"`). `.RelRef` does *not* handle in-page fragments correctly. See [Cross References](/content-management/cross-references/). .Site : See [Site Variables](/variables/site/). .Sites : Returns all sites (languages). A typical use case would be to link back to the main language: `...`. .Sites.First : Returns the site for the first language. If this is not a multilingual setup, it will return itself. .Summary : A generated summary of the content for easily showing a snippet in a summary view. The breakpoint can be set manually by inserting <!--more--> at the appropriate place in the content page, or the summary can be written independent of the page text. See [Content Summaries](/content-management/summaries/) for more details. .TableOfContents : The rendered [table of contents](/content-management/toc/) for the page. .Title : The title for this page. .Translations : A list of translated versions of the current page. See [Multilingual Mode](/content-management/multilingual/) for more information. .TranslationKey : The key used to map language translations of the current page. See [Multilingual Mode](/content-management/multilingual/) for more information. .Truncated : A boolean, `true` if the `.Summary` is truncated. Useful for showing a "Read more..." link only when necessary. See [Summaries](/content-management/summaries/) for more information. .Type : The [content type](/content-management/types/) of the content (e.g., `posts`). .Weight : Assigned weight (in the front matter) to this content, used in sorting. .WordCount : The number of words in the content. ## Page collections List pages receive the following page collections in [context](/getting-started/glossary/#context): .Pages : Regular pages within the current section (not recursive), and section pages for immediate descendant sections (not recursive). .RegularPages : Regular pages within the current section (not recursive). .RegularPagesRecursive : Regular pages within the current section, and regular pages within all descendant sections. ## Writable page-scoped variables [.Scratch][scratch] : Returns a Scratch to store and manipulate data. In contrast to the [`.Store`][store] method, this scratch is reset on server rebuilds. [.Store][store] : Returns a Scratch to store and manipulate data. In contrast to the [`.Scratch`][scratch] method, this scratch is not reset on server rebuilds. ## Section variables and methods Also see [Sections](/content-management/sections/). .CurrentSection : The page's current section. The value can be the page itself if it is a section or the homepage. .FirstSection : The page's first section below root, e.g. `/docs`, `/blog` etc. .InSection $anotherPage : Whether the given page is in the current section. .IsAncestor $anotherPage : Whether the current page is an ancestor of the given page. .IsDescendant $anotherPage : Whether the current page is a descendant of the given page. .Parent : A section's parent section or a page's section. .Section : The [section](/content-management/sections/) this content belongs to. **Note:** For nested sections, this is the first path element in the directory, for example, `/blog/funny/mypost/ => blog`. .Sections : The [sections](/content-management/sections/) below this content. ## Page fragments {{< new-in "0.111.0" >}} The `.Fragments` method returns a list of fragments for the current page. .Headings : A recursive list of headings for the current page. Can be used to generate a table of contents. {{< todo >}}add .Headings toc example{{< /todo >}} .Identifiers : A sorted list of identifiers for the current page. Can be used to check if a page contains a specific identifier or if a page contains duplicate identifiers: ```go-html-template {{ if .Fragments.Identifiers.Contains "my-identifier" }}

Page contains identifier "my-identifier"

{{ end }} {{ if gt (.Fragments.Identifiers.Count "my-identifier") 1 }}

Page contains duplicate "my-identifier" fragments

{{ end }} ``` .HeadingsMap : Holds a map of headings for the current page. Can be used to start the table of contents from a specific heading. Also see the [Go Doc](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gohugoio/hugo@v0.111.0/markup/tableofcontents#Fragments) for the return type. ### Fragments in hooks and shortcodes `.Fragments` are safe to call from render hooks, even on the page you're on (`.Page.Fragments`). For shortcodes we recommend that all `.Fragments` usage is nested inside the `{{}}` shortcode delimiter (`{{%/**/%}}` takes part in the ToC creation so it's easy to end up in a situation where you bite yourself in the tail). ## The `.RenderShortcodes` method {#rendershortcodes} {{< new-in "0.117.0" >}} This renders all the shortcodes in the content, preserving the surrounding markup (e.g. Markdown) as is. The common use case this is to composing a page from multiple content files while preserving a global context for table of contents and foot notes. This method is most often used in shortcode templates. A simple example of shortcode template including content from another page would look like: ```go-html-template {{ $p := site.GetPage (.Get 0) }} {{ $p.RenderShortcodes }} ``` In the above it's important to understand and the difference between the two delimiters used when including a shortcode: * `{{}}` tells Hugo that the rendered shortcode does not need further processing (e.g. it's HTML). * `{{%/* myshortcode */%}}` tells Hugo that the rendered shortcode needs further processing (e.g. it's Markdown). The latter is what you want to use for the include shortcode outlined above: ```md ## Mypage {{%/* include "mypage" */%}} `````` Also see [Use Shortcodes](/content-management/shortcodes/#use-shortcodes). ## Page-level params Any other value defined in the front matter in a content file, including taxonomies, will be made available as part of the `.Params` variable. {{< code-toggle file="content/example.md" fm=true copy=false >}} title: Example categories: [one] tags: [two,three,four] {{< /code-toggle >}} With the above front matter, the `tags` and `categories` taxonomies are accessible via the following: * `.Params.tags` * `.Params.categories` The `.Params` variable is particularly useful for the introduction of user-defined front matter fields in content files. For example, a Hugo website on book reviews could have the following front matter: {{< code-toggle file="content/example.md" fm=true copy=false >}} title: Example affiliatelink: "http://www.my-book-link.here" recommendedby: "My Mother" {{< /code-toggle >}} These fields would then be accessible to via `.Params.affiliatelink` and `.Params.recommendedby`. ```go-html-template

Buy this book

It was recommended by {{ .Params.recommendedby }}.

``` This template would render as follows: ```html

Buy this book

It was recommended by my Mother.

``` {{% note %}} See [Archetypes](/content-management/archetypes/) for consistency of `Params` across pieces of content. {{% /note %}} ### The `.Param` method In Hugo, you can declare parameters in individual pages and globally for your entire website. A common use case is to have a general value for the site parameter and a more specific value for some of the pages (i.e., a header image): ```go-html-template {{ $.Param "header_image" }} ``` The `.Param` method provides a way to resolve a single value according to it's definition in a page parameter (i.e. in the content's front matter) or a site parameter (i.e., in your site configuration). ### Access nested fields in front matter When front matter contains nested fields like the following: {{< code-toggle file="content/example.md" fm=true copy=false >}} title: Example author: given_name: John family_name: Feminella display_name: John Feminella {{< /code-toggle >}} `.Param` can access these fields by concatenating the field names together with a dot: ```go-html-template {{ $.Param "author.display_name" }} ``` [configuring dates]: /getting-started/configuration/#configure-dates [gitinfo]: /variables/git/ [File Variables]: /variables/files/ [bundle]: /content-management/page-bundles [scratch]: /functions/scratch [store]: /functions/store