--- title: Hugo features description: Hugo boasts blistering speed, robust content management, and a powerful templating language making it a great fit for all kinds of static websites. menu: docs: parent: about weight: 30 weight: 30 toc: true --- ## General * [Extremely fast] build times (< 1 ms per page) * Completely cross platform, with [easy installation][install] on macOS, Linux, Windows, and more * Renders changes on the fly with [LiveReload] as you develop * [Powerful theming] * [Host your site anywhere][hostanywhere] ## Organization * Straightforward [organization for your projects], including website sections * Customizable [URLs] * Support for configurable [taxonomies], including categories and tags * [Sort content] as you desire through powerful template [functions] * Automatic [table of contents] generation * [Dynamic menu] creation * [Pretty URLs] support * [Permalink] pattern support * Redirects via [aliases] ## Content * Native Markdown and Emacs Org-Mode support, as well as other languages via *external helpers* (see [supported formats]) * TOML, YAML, and JSON metadata support in [front matter] * Customizable [homepage] * Multiple [content types] * Automatic and user defined [content summaries] * [Shortcodes] to enable rich content inside of Markdown * ["Minutes to Read"][pagevars] functionality * ["WordCount"][pagevars] functionality ## Additional features * Integrated [Disqus] comment support * Integrated [Google Analytics] support * Automatic [RSS] creation * Support for [Go] HTML templates * [Syntax highlighting] powered by [Chroma] [aliases]: /content-management/urls/#aliases [Chroma]: https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma [content summaries]: /content-management/summaries/ [content types]: /content-management/types/ [Disqus]: https://disqus.com/ [Dynamic menu]: /templates/menu-templates/ [Extremely fast]: https://github.com/bep/hugo-benchmark [front matter]: /content-management/front-matter/ [functions]: /functions/ [Go]: https://pkg.go.dev/html/template [Google Analytics]: https://google-analytics.com/ [homepage]: /templates/homepage/ [hostanywhere]: /hosting-and-deployment/ [install]: /installation/ [LiveReload]: /getting-started/usage/ [organization for your projects]: /getting-started/directory-structure/ [pagevars]: /variables/page/ [Permalink]: /content-management/urls/#permalinks [Powerful theming]: /hugo-modules/theme-components/ [Pretty URLs]: /content-management/urls/ [RSS]: /templates/rss/ [Shortcodes]: /content-management/shortcodes/ [sort content]: /templates/ [supported formats]: /content-management/formats/ [Syntax highlighting]: /content-management/syntax-highlighting/ [table of contents]: /content-management/toc/ [taxonomies]: /content-management/taxonomies/ [URLs]: /content-management/urls/