// Copyright 2017 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package i18n import ( "context" "fmt" "path/filepath" "testing" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/types" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/config/testconfig" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/tpl/tplimpl" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/loggers" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/page" "github.com/spf13/afero" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/deps" qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/config" ) var logger = loggers.NewErrorLogger() type i18nTest struct { name string data map[string][]byte args any lang, id, expected, expectedFlag string } var i18nTests = []i18nTest{ // All translations present { name: "all-present", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte("[hello]\nother = \"Hello, World!\""), "es.toml": []byte("[hello]\nother = \"¡Hola, Mundo!\""), }, args: nil, lang: "es", id: "hello", expected: "¡Hola, Mundo!", expectedFlag: "¡Hola, Mundo!", }, // Translation missing in current language but present in default { name: "present-in-default", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte("[hello]\nother = \"Hello, World!\""), "es.toml": []byte("[goodbye]\nother = \"¡Adiós, Mundo!\""), }, args: nil, lang: "es", id: "hello", expected: "Hello, World!", expectedFlag: "[i18n] hello", }, // Translation missing in default language but present in current { name: "present-in-current", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte("[goodbye]\nother = \"Goodbye, World!\""), "es.toml": []byte("[hello]\nother = \"¡Hola, Mundo!\""), }, args: nil, lang: "es", id: "hello", expected: "¡Hola, Mundo!", expectedFlag: "¡Hola, Mundo!", }, // Translation missing in both default and current language { name: "missing", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte("[goodbye]\nother = \"Goodbye, World!\""), "es.toml": []byte("[goodbye]\nother = \"¡Adiós, Mundo!\""), }, args: nil, lang: "es", id: "hello", expected: "", expectedFlag: "[i18n] hello", }, // Default translation file missing or empty { name: "file-missing", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte(""), }, args: nil, lang: "es", id: "hello", expected: "", expectedFlag: "[i18n] hello", }, // Context provided { name: "context-provided", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte("[wordCount]\nother = \"Hello, {{.WordCount}} people!\""), "es.toml": []byte("[wordCount]\nother = \"¡Hola, {{.WordCount}} gente!\""), }, args: struct { WordCount int }{ 50, }, lang: "es", id: "wordCount", expected: "¡Hola, 50 gente!", expectedFlag: "¡Hola, 50 gente!", }, // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/7787 { name: "readingTime-one", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte(`[readingTime] one = "One minute to read" other = "{{ .Count }} minutes to read" `), }, args: 1, lang: "en", id: "readingTime", expected: "One minute to read", expectedFlag: "One minute to read", }, { name: "readingTime-many-dot", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte(`[readingTime] one = "One minute to read" other = "{{ . }} minutes to read" `), }, args: 21, lang: "en", id: "readingTime", expected: "21 minutes to read", expectedFlag: "21 minutes to read", }, { name: "readingTime-many", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte(`[readingTime] one = "One minute to read" other = "{{ .Count }} minutes to read" `), }, args: 21, lang: "en", id: "readingTime", expected: "21 minutes to read", expectedFlag: "21 minutes to read", }, // Issue #8454 { name: "readingTime-map-one", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte(`[readingTime] one = "One minute to read" other = "{{ .Count }} minutes to read" `), }, args: map[string]any{"Count": 1}, lang: "en", id: "readingTime", expected: "One minute to read", expectedFlag: "One minute to read", }, { name: "readingTime-string-one", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte(`[readingTime] one = "One minute to read" other = "{{ . }} minutes to read" `), }, args: "1", lang: "en", id: "readingTime", expected: "One minute to read", expectedFlag: "One minute to read", }, { name: "readingTime-map-many", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte(`[readingTime] one = "One minute to read" other = "{{ .Count }} minutes to read" `), }, args: map[string]any{"Count": 21}, lang: "en", id: "readingTime", expected: "21 minutes to read", expectedFlag: "21 minutes to read", }, { name: "argument-float", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte(`[float] other = "Number is {{ . }}" `), }, args: 22.5, lang: "en", id: "float", expected: "Number is 22.5", expectedFlag: "Number is 22.5", }, // Same id and translation in current language // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/2607 { name: "same-id-and-translation", data: map[string][]byte{ "es.toml": []byte("[hello]\nother = \"hello\""), "en.toml": []byte("[hello]\nother = \"hi\""), }, args: nil, lang: "es", id: "hello", expected: "hello", expectedFlag: "hello", }, // Translation missing in current language, but same id and translation in default { name: "same-id-and-translation-default", data: map[string][]byte{ "es.toml": []byte("[bye]\nother = \"bye\""), "en.toml": []byte("[hello]\nother = \"hello\""), }, args: nil, lang: "es", id: "hello", expected: "hello", expectedFlag: "[i18n] hello", }, // Unknown language code should get its plural spec from en { name: "unknown-language-code", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte(`[readingTime] one ="one minute read" other = "{{.Count}} minutes read"`), "klingon.toml": []byte(`[readingTime] one = "eitt minutt med lesing" other = "{{ .Count }} minuttar lesing"`), }, args: 3, lang: "klingon", id: "readingTime", expected: "3 minuttar lesing", expectedFlag: "3 minuttar lesing", }, // Issue #7838 { name: "unknown-language-codes", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte(`[readingTime] one ="en one" other = "en count {{.Count}}"`), "a1.toml": []byte(`[readingTime] one = "a1 one" other = "a1 count {{ .Count }}"`), "a2.toml": []byte(`[readingTime] one = "a2 one" other = "a2 count {{ .Count }}"`), }, args: 3, lang: "a2", id: "readingTime", expected: "a2 count 3", expectedFlag: "a2 count 3", }, // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/7798 { name: "known-language-missing-plural", data: map[string][]byte{ "oc.toml": []byte(`[oc] one = "abc"`), }, args: 1, lang: "oc", id: "oc", expected: "abc", expectedFlag: "abc", }, // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/7794 { name: "dotted-bare-key", data: map[string][]byte{ "en.toml": []byte(`"shop_nextPage.one" = "Show Me The Money" `), }, args: nil, lang: "en", id: "shop_nextPage.one", expected: "Show Me The Money", expectedFlag: "Show Me The Money", }, // https: //github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/7804 { name: "lang-with-hyphen", data: map[string][]byte{ "pt-br.toml": []byte(`foo.one = "abc"`), }, args: 1, lang: "pt-br", id: "foo", expected: "abc", expectedFlag: "abc", }, } func TestPlural(t *testing.T) { c := qt.New(t) for _, test := range []struct { name string lang string id string templ string variants []types.KeyValue }{ { name: "English", lang: "en", id: "hour", templ: ` [hour] one = "{{ . }} hour" other = "{{ . }} hours"`, variants: []types.KeyValue{ {Key: 1, Value: "1 hour"}, {Key: "1", Value: "1 hour"}, {Key: 1.5, Value: "1.5 hours"}, {Key: "1.5", Value: "1.5 hours"}, {Key: 2, Value: "2 hours"}, {Key: "2", Value: "2 hours"}, }, }, { name: "Other only", lang: "en", id: "hour", templ: ` [hour] other = "{{ with . }}{{ . }}{{ end }} hours"`, variants: []types.KeyValue{ {Key: 1, Value: "1 hours"}, {Key: "1", Value: "1 hours"}, {Key: 2, Value: "2 hours"}, {Key: nil, Value: " hours"}, }, }, { name: "Polish", lang: "pl", id: "day", templ: ` [day] one = "{{ . }} miesiąc" few = "{{ . }} miesiące" many = "{{ . }} miesięcy" other = "{{ . }} miesiąca" `, variants: []types.KeyValue{ {Key: 1, Value: "1 miesiąc"}, {Key: 2, Value: "2 miesiące"}, {Key: 100, Value: "100 miesięcy"}, {Key: "100.0", Value: "100.0 miesiąca"}, {Key: 100.0, Value: "100 miesiąca"}, }, }, } { c.Run(test.name, func(c *qt.C) { cfg := config.New() cfg.Set("enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders", true) cfg.Set("publishDir", "public") afs := afero.NewMemMapFs() err := afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join("i18n", test.lang+".toml"), []byte(test.templ), 0755) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) d, tp := prepareDeps(afs, cfg) f := tp.t.Func(test.lang) ctx := context.Background() for _, variant := range test.variants { c.Assert(f(ctx, test.id, variant.Key), qt.Equals, variant.Value, qt.Commentf("input: %v", variant.Key)) c.Assert(int(d.Log.LogCounters().WarnCounter.Count()), qt.Equals, 0) } }) } } func doTestI18nTranslate(t testing.TB, test i18nTest, cfg config.Provider) string { tp := prepareTranslationProvider(t, test, cfg) f := tp.t.Func(test.lang) return f(context.Background(), test.id, test.args) } type countField struct { Count any } type noCountField struct { Counts int } type countMethod struct { } func (c countMethod) Count() any { return 32.5 } func TestGetPluralCount(t *testing.T) { c := qt.New(t) c.Assert(getPluralCount(map[string]any{"Count": 32}), qt.Equals, 32) c.Assert(getPluralCount(map[string]any{"Count": 1}), qt.Equals, 1) c.Assert(getPluralCount(map[string]any{"Count": 1.5}), qt.Equals, "1.5") c.Assert(getPluralCount(map[string]any{"Count": "32"}), qt.Equals, "32") c.Assert(getPluralCount(map[string]any{"Count": "32.5"}), qt.Equals, "32.5") c.Assert(getPluralCount(map[string]any{"count": 32}), qt.Equals, 32) c.Assert(getPluralCount(map[string]any{"Count": "32"}), qt.Equals, "32") c.Assert(getPluralCount(map[string]any{"Counts": 32}), qt.Equals, nil) c.Assert(getPluralCount("foo"), qt.Equals, nil) c.Assert(getPluralCount(countField{Count: 22}), qt.Equals, 22) c.Assert(getPluralCount(countField{Count: 1.5}), qt.Equals, "1.5") c.Assert(getPluralCount(&countField{Count: 22}), qt.Equals, 22) c.Assert(getPluralCount(noCountField{Counts: 23}), qt.Equals, nil) c.Assert(getPluralCount(countMethod{}), qt.Equals, "32.5") c.Assert(getPluralCount(&countMethod{}), qt.Equals, "32.5") c.Assert(getPluralCount(1234), qt.Equals, 1234) c.Assert(getPluralCount(1234.4), qt.Equals, "1234.4") c.Assert(getPluralCount(1234.0), qt.Equals, "1234.0") c.Assert(getPluralCount("1234"), qt.Equals, "1234") c.Assert(getPluralCount("0.5"), qt.Equals, "0.5") c.Assert(getPluralCount(nil), qt.Equals, nil) } func prepareTranslationProvider(t testing.TB, test i18nTest, cfg config.Provider) *TranslationProvider { c := qt.New(t) afs := afero.NewMemMapFs() for file, content := range test.data { err := afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join("i18n", file), []byte(content), 0755) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) } _, tp := prepareDeps(afs, cfg) return tp } func prepareDeps(afs afero.Fs, cfg config.Provider) (*deps.Deps, *TranslationProvider) { d := testconfig.GetTestDeps(afs, cfg) translationProvider := NewTranslationProvider() d.TemplateProvider = tplimpl.DefaultTemplateProvider d.TranslationProvider = translationProvider d.Site = page.NewDummyHugoSite(d.Conf) if err := d.Compile(nil); err != nil { panic(err) } return d, translationProvider } func TestI18nTranslate(t *testing.T) { c := qt.New(t) var actual, expected string v := config.New() // Test without and with placeholders for _, enablePlaceholders := range []bool{false, true} { v.Set("enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders", enablePlaceholders) for _, test := range i18nTests { c.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%t", test.name, enablePlaceholders), func(c *qt.C) { if enablePlaceholders { expected = test.expectedFlag } else { expected = test.expected } actual = doTestI18nTranslate(c, test, v) c.Assert(actual, qt.Equals, expected) }) } } } func BenchmarkI18nTranslate(b *testing.B) { v := config.New() for _, test := range i18nTests { b.Run(test.name, func(b *testing.B) { tp := prepareTranslationProvider(b, test, v) b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { f := tp.t.Func(test.lang) actual := f(context.Background(), test.id, test.args) if actual != test.expected { b.Fatalf("expected %v got %v", test.expected, actual) } } }) } }