# Test the hugo command. hugo --baseURL http://example.com/ --minify --destination ${WORK}/newpublic --clock 2021-11-06T22:30:00.00+09:00 -e staging --config ${WORK}/myconfig --configDir ${WORK}/myconfigdir -s mysource stdout 'Pages.*|1' stdout 'Total in' grep 'Home: http://example.com/, Time: 2021-11-06' newpublic/index.html grep 'Environment: staging, foo: bar, bar: baz' newpublic/index.html # Verify that it's minified. grep 'Home' newpublic/index.html hugo --quiet ! stdout . -- hugo.toml -- title = "Hugo Test" -- myconfig.toml -- baseURL = "http://example.org/" disableKinds = ["RSS", "sitemap", "robotsTXT", "404", "taxonomy", "term"] [params] foo = "bar" -- myconfigdir/_default/params.toml -- bar = "baz" -- mysource/layouts/index.html -- Home: {{ .Permalink }}, Time: {{ now }} Environment: {{ hugo.Environment }}, foo: {{ .Site.Params.foo }}, bar: {{ .Site.Params.bar }} -- mysource/layouts/_default/single.html -- Title: {{ .Title }} -- mysource/content/p1.md -- --- title: "P1" ---