--- title: float description: Casts a value to a decimal (base 10) floating point value. categories: [functions] menu: docs: parent: functions keywords: [cast,strings,floats] signature: ["float INPUT"] relatedfuncs: [] --- With a decimal (base 10) input: ```go-html-template {{ float 11 }} → 11 (float64) {{ float "11" }} → 11 (float64) {{ float 11.1 }} → 11.1 (float64) {{ float "11.1" }} → 11.1 (float64) {{ float 11.9 }} → 11.9 (float64) {{ float "11.9" }} → 11.9 (float64) ``` With a binary (base 2) input: ```go-html-template {{ float 0b11 }} → 3 (float64) ``` With an octal (base 8) input (use either notation): ```go-html-template {{ float 011 }} → 9 (float64) {{ float "011" }} → 11 (float64) {{ float 0o11 }} → 9 (float64) ``` With a hexadecimal (base 16) input: ```go-html-template {{ float 0x11 }} → 17 (float64) ```