--- title: Contribute to the Hugo Docs linktitle: Documentation description: Documentation is an integral part of any open source project. The Hugo documentation is as much a work in progress as the source it attempts to cover. categories: [contribute] keywords: [docs,documentation,community, contribute] menu: docs: parent: contribute weight: 20 toc: true weight: 20 aliases: [/contribute/docs/] --- ## GitHub workflow Step 1 : Fork the [documentation repository]. Step 2 : Clone your fork. Step 3 : Create a new branch with a descriptive name. ```bash git checkout -b fix/typos-site-variables ``` Step 4 : Make changes. Step 5 : Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message, typically 50 characters or less. Included the "Closes" keyword if your change addresses one or more open [issues]. ```bash git commit -m "Fix typos on site variables page Closes #1234 Closes #5678" ``` Step 5 : Push the new branch to your fork of the documentation repository. Step 6 : Visit the [documentation repository] and create a pull request (PR). [documentation repository]: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoDocs/ [issues]: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoDocs/issues Step 7 : A project maintainer will review your PR, and may request changes. You may delete your branch after the maintainer merges your PR. ## Including sample code {{% note %}} Use this syntax to include shortcodes calls within your code samples: `{{}}`\ `{{%/*/* foo */*/%}}` {{% /note %}} ### Fenced code blocks Include the language when using a fenced code block. ````text ```go-html-template {{ if eq $foo "bar" }} {{ print "foo is bar" }} {{ end }} ``` ```` Rendered: ```go-html-template {{ if eq $foo "bar" }} {{ print "foo is bar" }} {{ end }} ``` ### The code shortcode Use the `code` shortcode to include the file name and a copy-to-clipboard button. This shortcode accepts these optional parameters: copy : (`bool`) If `true`, displays a copy-to-clipboard button. Default is `true`. file : (`string`) The file name to display. If you do not provide a `lang` parameter, the file extension determines the code language. lang : (`string`) The code language. Default is `text`. ````text {{}} {{ if eq $foo "bar" }} {{ print "foo is bar" }} {{ end }} {{}} ```` Rendered: {{< code file="layouts/_default_/single.html" >}} {{ if eq $foo "bar" }} {{ print "foo is bar" }} {{ end }} {{< /code >}} ### The code-toggle shortcode Use the `code-toggle` shortcode to display examples of site configuration, front matter, or data files. This shortcode accepts these optional parameters: copy : (`bool`) If `true`, displays a copy-to-clipboard button. Default is `true`. file : (`string`) The file name to display. Omit the file extension for site configuration and data file examples. fm : (`bool`) If `true`, displays the code as front matter. Default is `false`. #### Site configuration example ```text {{}} baseURL = 'https://example.org' languageCode = 'en-US' title = "Example Site" {{}} ``` Rendered: {{< code-toggle file="hugo" >}} baseURL = 'https://example.org' languageCode = 'en-US' title = "Example Site" {{< /code-toggle >}} #### Front matter example ```text {{}} title = "About" date = 2023-04-02T12:47:24-07:00 draft = false {{}} ``` Rendered: {{< code-toggle file="content/about.md" fm=true >}} title = "About" date = 2023-04-02T12:47:24-07:00 draft = false {{< /code-toggle >}} ## Admonitions Use the `note` shortcode to draw attention to content. Use the `{{%/* */%}}` notation when calling this shortcode. ```text {{%/* note */%}} This is **bold** text. {{%/* /note */%}} ``` {{% note %}} This is **bold** text. {{% /note %}}