diff --git a/tpl/template_funcs_test.go b/tpl/template_funcs_test.go index 4d9959cab..c16dfb804 100644 --- a/tpl/template_funcs_test.go +++ b/tpl/template_funcs_test.go @@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ delimit: {{ delimit (slice "A" "B" "C") ", " " and " }} div: {{div 6 3}} emojify: {{ "I :heart: Hugo" | emojify }} eq: {{ if eq .Section "blog" }}current{{ end }} -hasPrefix: {{ hasPrefix "Hugo" "Hu" }} +hasPrefix 1: {{ hasPrefix "Hugo" "Hu" }} +hasPrefix 2: {{ hasPrefix "Hugo" "Fu" }} in: {{ if in "this string contains a substring" "substring" }}Substring found!{{ end }} jsonify: {{ (slice "A" "B" "C") | jsonify }} lower: {{lower "BatMan"}} @@ -137,7 +138,8 @@ delimit: A, B and C div: 2 emojify: I ❤️ Hugo eq: current -hasPrefix: true +hasPrefix 1: true +hasPrefix 2: false in: Substring found! jsonify: ["A","B","C"] lower: batman