Simplify .Site.GetPage etc.

This commit is a follow up to a recent overhaul of the GetPage/ref/relref implemenation.

The most important change in this commit is the update to `.Site.GetPage`:

* To reduce the amount of breakage in the wild to its minimum, I have reworked .Site.GetPage with some rules:

* We cannot support more than 2 arguments, i.e. .Site.GetPage "page" "posts" "" will now throw an error. I think this is the most uncommon syntax and should be OK. It is an easy fix to change the above to .Site.GetPage "/posts/" or similar.
* .Site.GetPage "home", .Site.GetPage "home" "" and .Site.GetPage "home" "/" will give you the home page. This means that if you have page in root with the name you need to do .Site.GetPage "/" or similar

This commit also fixes some multilingual issues, most notable it is now possible to do cross-language ref/relref lookups by prepending the language code to the path, e.g. `/jp/posts/`.

This commit also reverts the site building tests related to this to "Hugo 0.44 state", to get better control of the changes made.

Closes #4147
Closes #4727
Closes #4728
Closes #4728
Closes #4726
Closes #4652
This commit is contained in:
Bjørn Erik Pedersen 2018-07-17 11:18:29 +02:00
parent b93417aa1d
commit 3eb313fef4
17 changed files with 289 additions and 230 deletions

View file

@ -24,34 +24,52 @@ type Partition struct {
Load func() (map[string]interface{}, error)
type lazyPartition struct {
// Lazy represents a lazily loaded cache.
type Lazy struct {
initSync sync.Once
initErr error
cache map[string]interface{}
load func() (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (l *lazyPartition) init() error {
var err error
// NewLazy creates a lazy cache with the given load func.
func NewLazy(load func() (map[string]interface{}, error)) *Lazy {
return &Lazy{load: load}
func (l *Lazy) init() error {
l.initSync.Do(func() {
var c map[string]interface{}
c, err = l.load()
c, err := l.load()
l.cache = c
l.initErr = err
return err
return l.initErr
// Get initializes the cache if not already initialized, then looks up the
// given key.
func (l *Lazy) Get(key string) (interface{}, bool, error) {
if l.initErr != nil {
return nil, false, l.initErr
v, found := l.cache[key]
return v, found, nil
// PartitionedLazyCache is a lazily loaded cache paritioned by a supplied string key.
type PartitionedLazyCache struct {
partitions map[string]*lazyPartition
partitions map[string]*Lazy
// NewPartitionedLazyCache creates a new NewPartitionedLazyCache with the supplied
// partitions.
func NewPartitionedLazyCache(partitions ...Partition) *PartitionedLazyCache {
lazyPartitions := make(map[string]*lazyPartition, len(partitions))
lazyPartitions := make(map[string]*Lazy, len(partitions))
for _, partition := range partitions {
lazyPartitions[partition.Key] = &lazyPartition{load: partition.Load}
lazyPartitions[partition.Key] = NewLazy(partition.Load)
cache := &PartitionedLazyCache{partitions: lazyPartitions}
@ -67,11 +85,12 @@ func (c *PartitionedLazyCache) Get(partition, key string) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, nil
if err := p.init(); err != nil {
v, found, err := p.Get(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if v, found := p.cache[key]; found {
if found {
return v, nil

View file

@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ func assertDisabledKinds(th testHelper, s *Site, disabled ...string) {
}, disabled, KindPage, "public/sect/p1/index.html", "Single|P1")
func(isDisabled bool) bool {
p, _ := s.getPage(nil, "/")
p := s.getPage(KindHome)
if isDisabled {
return p == nil
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ func assertDisabledKinds(th testHelper, s *Site, disabled ...string) {
}, disabled, KindHome, "public/index.html", "Home")
func(isDisabled bool) bool {
p, _ := s.getPage(nil, "sect")
p := s.getPage(KindSection, "sect")
if isDisabled {
return p == nil
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ func assertDisabledKinds(th testHelper, s *Site, disabled ...string) {
}, disabled, KindSection, "public/sect/index.html", "Sects")
func(isDisabled bool) bool {
p, _ := s.getPage(nil, "tags/tag1")
p := s.getPage(KindTaxonomy, "tags", "tag1")
if isDisabled {
return p == nil
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ func assertDisabledKinds(th testHelper, s *Site, disabled ...string) {
}, disabled, KindTaxonomy, "public/tags/tag1/index.html", "Tag1")
func(isDisabled bool) bool {
p, _ := s.getPage(nil, "tags")
p := s.getPage(KindTaxonomyTerm, "tags")
if isDisabled {
return p == nil
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ func assertDisabledKinds(th testHelper, s *Site, disabled ...string) {
}, disabled, KindTaxonomyTerm, "public/tags/index.html", "Tags")
func(isDisabled bool) bool {
p, _ := s.getPage(nil, "categories")
p := s.getPage(KindTaxonomyTerm, "categories")
if isDisabled {
return p == nil
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ func assertDisabledKinds(th testHelper, s *Site, disabled ...string) {
}, disabled, KindTaxonomyTerm, "public/categories/index.html", "Category Terms")
func(isDisabled bool) bool {
p, _ := s.getPage(nil, "categories/hugo")
p := s.getPage(KindTaxonomy, "categories", "hugo")
if isDisabled {
return p == nil

View file

@ -186,12 +186,12 @@ p1 = "p1en"
assert.Len(sites, 2)
nnSite := sites[0]
nnHome, _ := nnSite.getPage(nil, "/")
nnHome := nnSite.getPage(KindHome)
assert.Len(nnHome.AllTranslations(), 2)
assert.Len(nnHome.Translations(), 1)
enHome, _ := sites[1].getPage(nil, "/")
enHome := sites[1].getPage(KindHome)
p1, err := enHome.Param("p1")
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ func doTestMultiSitesBuild(t *testing.T, configTemplate, configSuffix string) {
require.Nil(t, gp2)
enSite := sites[0]
enSiteHome, _ := enSite.getPage(nil, "/")
enSiteHome := enSite.getPage(KindHome)
require.True(t, enSiteHome.IsTranslated())
require.Equal(t, "en", enSite.Language.Lang)
@ -310,10 +310,10 @@ func doTestMultiSitesBuild(t *testing.T, configTemplate, configSuffix string) {
// isn't ideal in a multilingual setup. You want a way to get the current language version if available.
// Now you can do lookups with translation base name to get that behaviour.
// Let us test all the regular page variants:
getPageDoc1En, _ := enSite.getPage(nil, filepath.ToSlash(doc1en.Path()))
getPageDoc1EnBase, _ := enSite.getPage(nil, "sect/doc1")
getPageDoc1Fr, _ := frSite.getPage(nil, filepath.ToSlash(doc1fr.Path()))
getPageDoc1FrBase, _ := frSite.getPage(nil, "sect/doc1")
getPageDoc1En := enSite.getPage(KindPage, filepath.ToSlash(doc1en.Path()))
getPageDoc1EnBase := enSite.getPage(KindPage, "sect/doc1")
getPageDoc1Fr := frSite.getPage(KindPage, filepath.ToSlash(doc1fr.Path()))
getPageDoc1FrBase := frSite.getPage(KindPage, "sect/doc1")
require.Equal(t, doc1en, getPageDoc1En)
require.Equal(t, doc1fr, getPageDoc1Fr)
require.Equal(t, doc1en, getPageDoc1EnBase)
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ func doTestMultiSitesBuild(t *testing.T, configTemplate, configSuffix string) {
b.AssertFileContent("public/en/sect/doc1-slug/index.html", "Single", "Shortcode: Hello", "LingoDefault")
// Check node translations
homeEn, _ := enSite.getPage(nil, "/")
homeEn := enSite.getPage(KindHome)
require.NotNil(t, homeEn)
require.Len(t, homeEn.Translations(), 3)
require.Equal(t, "fr", homeEn.Translations()[0].Lang())
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ func doTestMultiSitesBuild(t *testing.T, configTemplate, configSuffix string) {
require.Equal(t, "På bokmål", homeEn.Translations()[2].title, configSuffix)
require.Equal(t, "Bokmål", homeEn.Translations()[2].Language().LanguageName, configSuffix)
sectFr, _ := frSite.getPage(nil, "sect")
sectFr := frSite.getPage(KindSection, "sect")
require.NotNil(t, sectFr)
require.Equal(t, "fr", sectFr.Lang())
@ -351,12 +351,12 @@ func doTestMultiSitesBuild(t *testing.T, configTemplate, configSuffix string) {
nnSite := sites[2]
require.Equal(t, "nn", nnSite.Language.Lang)
taxNn, _ := nnSite.getPage(nil, "lag")
taxNn := nnSite.getPage(KindTaxonomyTerm, "lag")
require.NotNil(t, taxNn)
require.Len(t, taxNn.Translations(), 1)
require.Equal(t, "nb", taxNn.Translations()[0].Lang())
taxTermNn, _ := nnSite.getPage(nil, "lag/sogndal")
taxTermNn := nnSite.getPage(KindTaxonomy, "lag", "sogndal")
require.NotNil(t, taxTermNn)
require.Len(t, taxTermNn.Translations(), 1)
require.Equal(t, "nb", taxTermNn.Translations()[0].Lang())
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ func doTestMultiSitesBuild(t *testing.T, configTemplate, configSuffix string) {
// Check bundles
bundleFr, _ := frSite.getPage(nil, "bundles/b1/")
bundleFr := frSite.getPage(KindPage, "bundles/b1/")
require.NotNil(t, bundleFr)
require.Equal(t, "/blog/fr/bundles/b1/", bundleFr.RelPermalink())
require.Equal(t, 1, len(bundleFr.Resources))
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ func doTestMultiSitesBuild(t *testing.T, configTemplate, configSuffix string) {
require.Equal(t, "/blog/fr/bundles/b1/logo.png", logoFr.RelPermalink())
b.AssertFileContent("public/fr/bundles/b1/logo.png", "PNG Data")
bundleEn, _ := enSite.getPage(nil, "bundles/b1/")
bundleEn := enSite.getPage(KindPage, "bundles/b1/")
require.NotNil(t, bundleEn)
require.Equal(t, "/blog/en/bundles/b1/", bundleEn.RelPermalink())
require.Equal(t, 1, len(bundleEn.Resources))
@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ func TestMultiSitesRebuild(t *testing.T) {
docFr := readDestination(t, fs, "public/fr/sect/doc1/index.html")
require.True(t, strings.Contains(docFr, "Salut"), "No Salut")
homeEn, _ := enSite.getPage(nil, "/")
homeEn := enSite.getPage(KindHome)
require.NotNil(t, homeEn)
assert.Len(homeEn.Translations(), 3)
require.Equal(t, "fr", homeEn.Translations()[0].Lang())
@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ title = "Svenska"
require.True(t, svSite.Language.Lang == "sv", svSite.Language.Lang)
require.True(t, frSite.Language.Lang == "fr", frSite.Language.Lang)
homeEn, _ := enSite.getPage(nil, "/")
homeEn := enSite.getPage(KindHome)
require.NotNil(t, homeEn)
require.Len(t, homeEn.Translations(), 4)
require.Equal(t, "sv", homeEn.Translations()[0].Lang())

View file

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ languageName = "Nynorsk"
s1 := b.H.Sites[0]
s1h, _ := s1.getPage(nil, "/")
s1h := s1.getPage(KindHome)
assert.Len(s1h.Translations(), 2)
assert.Equal("", s1h.Permalink())
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ languageName = "Nynorsk"
// For multihost, we never want any content in the root.
// check url in front matter:
pageWithURLInFrontMatter, _ := s1.getPage(nil, "sect/")
pageWithURLInFrontMatter := s1.getPage(KindPage, "sect/")
assert.Equal("/superbob", pageWithURLInFrontMatter.URL())
assert.Equal("/docs/superbob/", pageWithURLInFrontMatter.RelPermalink())
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ languageName = "Nynorsk"
s2 := b.H.Sites[1]
s2h, _ := s2.getPage(nil, "/")
s2h := s2.getPage(KindHome)
assert.Equal("", s2h.Permalink())
b.AssertFileContent("public/fr/index.html", "French Home Page")
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ languageName = "Nynorsk"
// Check bundles
bundleEn, _ := s1.getPage(nil, "bundles/b1/")
bundleEn := s1.getPage(KindPage, "bundles/b1/")
require.NotNil(t, bundleEn)
require.Equal(t, "/docs/bundles/b1/", bundleEn.RelPermalink())
require.Equal(t, 1, len(bundleEn.Resources))
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ languageName = "Nynorsk"
require.Equal(t, "/docs/bundles/b1/logo.png", logoEn.RelPermalink())
b.AssertFileContent("public/en/bundles/b1/logo.png", "PNG Data")
bundleFr, _ := s2.getPage(nil, "bundles/b1/")
bundleFr := s2.getPage(KindPage, "bundles/b1/")
require.NotNil(t, bundleFr)
require.Equal(t, "/bundles/b1/", bundleFr.RelPermalink())
require.Equal(t, 1, len(bundleFr.Resources))

View file

@ -207,6 +207,29 @@ Content.
assert.Equal(10, len(svSite.RegularPages))
svP2, err := svSite.getPageNew(nil, "/sect/")
nnP2, err := nnSite.getPageNew(nil, "/sect/")
nnP2_2, err := svSite.getPageNew(nil, "/nn/sect/")
enP2_2, err := nnSite.getPageNew(nil, "/en/sect/")
svP2_2, err := enSite.getPageNew(nil, "/sv/sect/")
enP2, err := enSite.getPageNew(nil, "/sect/")
assert.Equal("sv", svP2.Lang())
assert.Equal("nn", nnP2.Lang())
assert.Equal("en", enP2.Lang())
assert.Equal(nnP2, nnP2_2)
assert.Equal(enP2, enP2_2)
assert.Equal(svP2, svP2_2)
for i, p := range enSite.RegularPages {
j := i + 1
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Test %d", j)
@ -244,7 +267,7 @@ Content.
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/sv/sect/mybundle/logo.png", "PNG Data")
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/nn/sect/mybundle/logo.png", "PNG Data")
nnSect, _ := nnSite.getPage(nil, "sect")
nnSect := nnSite.getPage(KindSection, "sect")
assert.Equal(12, len(nnSect.Pages))
nnHome, _ := nnSite.Info.Home()

View file

@ -1875,24 +1875,24 @@ func (p *Page) FullFilePath() string {
// Returns the canonical, absolute fully-qualifed logical reference used by
// methods such as GetPage and ref/relref shortcodes to unambiguously refer to
// this page. As an absolute path, it is prefixed with a "/".
// methods such as GetPage and ref/relref shortcodes to refer to
// this page. It is prefixed with a "/".
// For pages that have a backing file in the content directory, it is returns
// the path to this file as an absolute path rooted in the content dir. For
// pages or nodes that do not, it returns the virtual path, consistent with
// where you would add a backing content file.
// The "/" prefix and support for pages without backing files should be the
// only difference with FullFilePath()
// For pages that have a source file, it is returns the path to this file as an
// absolute path rooted in this site's content dir.
// For pages that do not (sections witout content page etc.), it returns the
// virtual path, consistent with where you would add a source file.
func (p *Page) absoluteSourceRef() string {
sourcePath := p.Source.Path()
if sourcePath != "" {
return "/" + filepath.ToSlash(sourcePath)
} else if len(p.sections) > 0 {
if len(p.sections) > 0 {
// no backing file, return the virtual source path
return "/" + path.Join(p.sections...)
return ""
@ -2035,7 +2035,7 @@ func (p *Page) Hugo() *HugoInfo {
// This will return nil when no page could be found, and will return
// an error if the ref is ambiguous.
func (p *Page) GetPage(ref string) (*Page, error) {
return p.s.getPage(p, ref)
return p.s.getPageNew(p, ref)
func (p *Page) Ref(refs ...string) (string, error) {
@ -2059,8 +2059,8 @@ func (p *Page) RelRef(refs ...string) (string, error) {
func (p *Page) String() string {
if p.absoluteSourceRef() != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("Page(%s)", p.absoluteSourceRef())
if sourceRef := p.absoluteSourceRef(); sourceRef != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("Page(%s)", sourceRef)
return fmt.Sprintf("Page(%q)", p.title)

View file

@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ func TestPageBundlerSiteRegular(t *testing.T) {
for _, ugly := range []bool{false, true} {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("ugly=%t", ugly),
func(t *testing.T) {
var samePage *Page
assert := require.New(t)
fs, cfg := newTestBundleSources(t)
@ -84,14 +83,12 @@ func TestPageBundlerSiteRegular(t *testing.T) {
assert.Len(s.RegularPages, 8)
singlePage, _ := s.getPage(nil, "a/")
singlePage := s.getPage(KindPage, "a/")
assert.Equal("", singlePage.BundleType())
samePage, _ = s.getPage(nil, "a/1")
assert.Equal(singlePage, samePage)
samePage, _ = s.getPage(nil, "1")
assert.Equal(singlePage, samePage)
assert.Equal(singlePage, s.getPage("page", "a/1"))
assert.Equal(singlePage, s.getPage("page", "1"))
assert.Contains(singlePage.content(), "TheContent")
@ -109,18 +106,18 @@ func TestPageBundlerSiteRegular(t *testing.T) {
// This should be just copied to destination.
th.assertFileContent(filepath.FromSlash("/work/public/assets/pic1.png"), "content")
leafBundle1, _ := s.getPage(nil, "b/my-bundle/")
leafBundle1 := s.getPage(KindPage, "b/my-bundle/")
assert.Equal("leaf", leafBundle1.BundleType())
assert.Equal("b", leafBundle1.Section())
sectionB, _ := s.getPage(nil, "/b")
sectionB := s.getPage(KindSection, "b")
home, _ := s.Info.Home()
assert.Equal("branch", home.BundleType())
// This is a root bundle and should live in the "home section"
// See
rootBundle, _ := s.getPage(nil, "root")
rootBundle := s.getPage(KindPage, "root")
if ugly {
@ -129,9 +126,9 @@ func TestPageBundlerSiteRegular(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal("/root/", rootBundle.RelPermalink())
leafBundle2, _ := s.getPage(nil, "a/b/")
leafBundle2 := s.getPage(KindPage, "a/b/")
unicodeBundle, _ := s.getPage(nil, "c/bundle/")
unicodeBundle := s.getPage(KindPage, "c/bundle/")
pageResources := leafBundle1.Resources.ByType(pageResourceType)
@ -214,7 +211,6 @@ func TestPageBundlerSiteMultilingual(t *testing.T) {
for _, ugly := range []bool{false, true} {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("ugly=%t", ugly),
func(t *testing.T) {
var samePage *Page
assert := require.New(t)
fs, cfg := newTestBundleSourcesMultilingual(t)
@ -234,7 +230,7 @@ func TestPageBundlerSiteMultilingual(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(16, len(s.Pages))
assert.Equal(31, len(s.AllPages))
bundleWithSubPath, _ := s.getPage(nil, "lb/index")
bundleWithSubPath := s.getPage(KindPage, "lb/index")
// See
@ -248,28 +244,22 @@ func TestPageBundlerSiteMultilingual(t *testing.T) {
// and probably also just b (aka "my-bundle")
// These may also be translated, so we also need to test that.
// "bf", "my-bf-bundle", " + nn
bfBundle, _ := s.getPage(nil, "bf/my-bf-bundle/index")
bfBundle := s.getPage(KindPage, "bf/my-bf-bundle/index")
assert.Equal("en", bfBundle.Lang())
samePage, _ = s.getPage(nil, "bf/my-bf-bundle/")
assert.Equal(bfBundle, samePage)
samePage, _ = s.getPage(nil, "bf/my-bf-bundle")
assert.Equal(bfBundle, samePage)
samePage, _ = s.getPage(nil, "my-bf-bundle")
assert.Equal(bfBundle, samePage)
assert.Equal(bfBundle, s.getPage(KindPage, "bf/my-bf-bundle/"))
assert.Equal(bfBundle, s.getPage(KindPage, "bf/my-bf-bundle"))
assert.Equal(bfBundle, s.getPage(KindPage, "my-bf-bundle"))
nnSite := sites.Sites[1]
assert.Equal(7, len(nnSite.RegularPages))
bfBundleNN, _ := nnSite.getPage(nil, "bf/my-bf-bundle/index")
bfBundleNN := nnSite.getPage(KindPage, "bf/my-bf-bundle/index")
assert.Equal("nn", bfBundleNN.Lang())
samePage, _ = nnSite.getPage(nil, "bf/my-bf-bundle/")
assert.Equal(bfBundleNN, samePage)
samePage, _ = nnSite.getPage(nil, "bf/my-bf-bundle")
assert.Equal(bfBundleNN, samePage)
samePage, _ = nnSite.getPage(nil, "my-bf-bundle")
assert.Equal(bfBundleNN, samePage)
assert.Equal(bfBundleNN, nnSite.getPage(KindPage, "bf/my-bf-bundle/"))
assert.Equal(bfBundleNN, nnSite.getPage(KindPage, "bf/my-bf-bundle"))
assert.Equal(bfBundleNN, nnSite.getPage(KindPage, "my-bf-bundle"))
// See
// Every resource should have its Name prefixed with its base folder.
@ -344,7 +334,7 @@ func TestPageBundlerSiteWitSymbolicLinksInContent(t *testing.T) {
th := testHelper{s.Cfg, s.Fs, t}
assert.Equal(7, len(s.RegularPages))
a1Bundle, _ := s.getPage(nil, "symbolic2/a1/")
a1Bundle := s.getPage(KindPage, "symbolic2/a1/")
assert.Equal(2, len(a1Bundle.Resources))
assert.Equal(1, len(a1Bundle.Resources.ByType(pageResourceType)))
@ -404,10 +394,10 @@ HEADLESS {{< myShort >}}
assert.Equal(1, len(s.RegularPages))
assert.Equal(1, len(s.headlessPages))
regular, _ := s.getPage(nil, "a/index")
regular := s.getPage(KindPage, "a/index")
assert.Equal("/a/s1/", regular.RelPermalink())
headless, _ := s.getPage(nil, "b/index")
headless := s.getPage(KindPage, "b/index")
assert.Equal("Headless Bundle in Topless Bar", headless.Title())

View file

@ -16,11 +16,9 @@ package hugolib
import (
// PageCollections contains the page collections for a site.
@ -49,29 +47,29 @@ type PageCollections struct {
// Includes headless bundles, i.e. bundles that produce no output for its content page.
headlessPages Pages
type pageIndex struct {
initSync sync.Once
index map[string]*Page
load func() map[string]*Page
func (pi *pageIndex) init() {
pi.initSync.Do(func() {
pi.index = pi.load()
pageIndex *cache.Lazy
// Get initializes the index if not already done so, then
// looks up the given page ref, returns nil if no value found.
func (pi *pageIndex) Get(ref string) *Page {
return pi.index[ref]
func (c *PageCollections) getFromCache(ref string) (*Page, error) {
v, found, err := c.pageIndex.Get(ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !found {
return nil, nil
p := v.(*Page)
if p != ambiguityFlag {
return p, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("page reference %q is ambiguous", ref)
var ambiguityFlag = &Page{Kind: "dummy", title: "ambiguity flag"}
var ambiguityFlag = &Page{Kind: kindUnknown, title: "ambiguity flag"}
func (c *PageCollections) refreshPageCaches() {
c.indexPages = c.findPagesByKindNotIn(KindPage, c.Pages)
@ -84,46 +82,55 @@ func (c *PageCollections) refreshPageCaches() {
s = c.Pages[0].s
indexLoader := func() map[string]*Page {
index := make(map[string]*Page)
indexLoader := func() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
index := make(map[string]interface{})
add := func(ref string, p *Page) {
existing := index[ref]
if existing == nil {
index[ref] = p
} else if existing != ambiguityFlag && existing != p {
index[ref] = ambiguityFlag
// Note that we deliberately use the pages from all sites
// in this index, as we intend to use this in the ref and relref
// shortcodes. If the user says "sect/", he/she knows
// what he/she is looking for.
// shortcodes.
for _, pageCollection := range []Pages{c.AllRegularPages, c.headlessPages} {
for _, p := range pageCollection {
sourceRef := p.absoluteSourceRef()
if sourceRef != "" {
// index the canonical, unambiguous ref
// e.g. /section/
indexPage(index, sourceRef, p)
// also index the legacy canonical lookup (not guaranteed to be unambiguous)
// e.g. section/
indexPage(index, sourceRef[1:], p)
// Allow cross language references by
// adding the language code as prefix.
add(path.Join("/"+p.Lang(), sourceRef), p)
// For pages in the current language.
if s != nil && p.s == s {
if sourceRef != "" {
// index the canonical ref
// e.g. /section/
add(sourceRef, p)
// Ref/Relref supports this potentially ambiguous lookup.
indexPage(index, p.Source.LogicalName(), p)
add(p.Source.LogicalName(), p)
translationBaseName := p.Source.TranslationBaseName()
dir := filepath.ToSlash(strings.TrimSuffix(p.Dir(), helpers.FilePathSeparator))
dir, _ := path.Split(sourceRef)
dir = strings.TrimSuffix(dir, "/")
if translationBaseName == "index" {
_, name := path.Split(dir)
indexPage(index, name, p)
indexPage(index, dir, p)
add(dir, p)
add(path.Base(dir), p)
} else {
// Again, ambiguous
indexPage(index, translationBaseName, p)
add(translationBaseName, p)
// We need a way to get to the current language version.
pathWithNoExtensions := path.Join(dir, translationBaseName)
indexPage(index, pathWithNoExtensions, p)
add(pathWithNoExtensions, p)
@ -133,7 +140,7 @@ func (c *PageCollections) refreshPageCaches() {
// e.g. /section/
sourceRef := p.absoluteSourceRef()
if sourceRef != "" {
indexPage(index, sourceRef, p)
add(sourceRef, p)
ref := path.Join(p.sections...)
@ -141,25 +148,13 @@ func (c *PageCollections) refreshPageCaches() {
// index the canonical, unambiguous virtual ref
// e.g. /section
// (this may already have been indexed above)
indexPage(index, "/"+ref, p)
// index the legacy canonical ref (not guaranteed to be unambiguous)
// e.g. section
indexPage(index, ref, p)
add("/"+ref, p)
return index
return index, nil
c.pageIndex = pageIndex{load: indexLoader}
func indexPage(index map[string]*Page, ref string, p *Page) {
existing := index[ref]
if existing == nil {
index[ref] = p
} else if existing != ambiguityFlag && existing != p {
index[ref] = ambiguityFlag
c.pageIndex = cache.NewLazy(indexLoader)
func newPageCollections() *PageCollections {
@ -170,39 +165,53 @@ func newPageCollectionsFromPages(pages Pages) *PageCollections {
return &PageCollections{rawAllPages: pages}
// context: page used to resolve relative paths
// ref: either unix-style paths (i.e. callers responsible for
// getPage is the "old style" get page. Deprecated in Hugo 0.45 in favour of
// the "path only" syntax.
// TODO(bep) remove this an rename below once this is all working.
func (c *PageCollections) getPage(typ string, sections ...string) *Page {
p, _ := c.getPageNew(nil, "/"+path.Join(sections...))
return p
// Ref is either unix-style paths (i.e. callers responsible for
// calling filepath.ToSlash as necessary) or shorthand refs.
func (c *PageCollections) getPage(context *Page, ref string) (*Page, error) {
func (c *PageCollections) getPageNew(context *Page, ref string) (*Page, error) {
var result *Page
if len(ref) > 0 && ref[0:1] == "/" {
// it's an absolute path
result = c.pageIndex.Get(ref)
} else { // either relative path or other supported ref
// If there's a page context. relative ref interpretation takes precedence.
if context != nil {
// For relative refs `filepath.Join` will properly resolve ".." (parent dir)
// and other elements in the path
apath := path.Join("/", strings.Join(context.sections, "/"), ref)
result = c.pageIndex.Get(apath)
// finally, let's try it as-is for a match against all the alternate refs indexed for each page
if result == nil {
result = c.pageIndex.Get(ref)
if result == ambiguityFlag {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("The reference \"%s\" in %q resolves to more than one page. Use either an absolute path (begins with \"/\") or relative path to the content directory target.", ref, context.absoluteSourceRef())
// Absolute (content root relative) reference.
if strings.HasPrefix(ref, "/") {
if p, err := c.getFromCache(ref); err == nil && p != nil {
return p, nil
return result, nil
// If there's a page context, try the page relative path.
if context != nil {
ppath := path.Join("/", strings.Join(context.sections, "/"), ref)
if p, err := c.getFromCache(ppath); err == nil && p != nil {
return p, nil
if !strings.HasPrefix(ref, "/") {
// Many people will have "post/" in their content files.
if p, err := c.getFromCache("/" + ref); err == nil && p != nil {
return p, nil
// Last try.
ref = strings.TrimPrefix(ref, "/")
context, err := c.getFromCache(ref)
if err != nil {
if context != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve page relative to page %q: %s", context.absoluteSourceRef(), err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve page: %s", err)
return context, nil
func (*PageCollections) findPagesByKindIn(kind string, inPages Pages) Pages {

View file

@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ func BenchmarkGetPage(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
home, _ := s.getPage(nil, "/")
home, _ := s.getPageNew(nil, "/")
if home == nil {
b.Fatal("Home is nil")
p, _ := s.getPage(nil, pagePaths[i])
p, _ := s.getPageNew(nil, pagePaths[i])
if p == nil {
b.Fatal("Section is nil")
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ func BenchmarkGetPageRegular(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
page, _ := s.getPage(nil, pagePaths[i])
page, _ := s.getPageNew(nil, pagePaths[i])
require.NotNil(b, page)
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ func TestGetPage(t *testing.T) {
{KindHome, []string{}, ""},
{KindSection, []string{"sect3"}, "Sect3s"},
{KindPage, []string{"sect3", ""}, "Title3_1"},
{KindPage, []string{"sect3/"}, "Title3_1"},
{KindPage, []string{"sect4/"}, "Title4_2"},
{KindPage, []string{filepath.FromSlash("sect5/")}, "Title5_3"},
// Ref/Relref supports this potentially ambiguous lookup.
@ -133,7 +133,9 @@ func TestGetPage(t *testing.T) {
errorMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Test %d", i)
// test legacy public Site.GetPage
page, _ := s.Info.GetPage(test.kind, test.path...)
args := append([]string{test.kind}, test.path...)
page, err := s.Info.GetPage(args...)
assert.NotNil(page, errorMsg)
assert.Equal(test.kind, page.Kind, errorMsg)
assert.Equal(test.expectedTitle, page.title)
@ -145,7 +147,8 @@ func TestGetPage(t *testing.T) {
} else {
ref = path.Join(test.path...)
page2, _ := s.getPage(nil, ref)
page2, err := s.getPageNew(nil, ref)
assert.NotNil(page2, errorMsg)
assert.Equal(test.kind, page2.Kind, errorMsg)
assert.Equal(test.expectedTitle, page2.title)

View file

@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ func TestMergeLanguages(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(4, len(firstNN.Sites()))
assert.Equal("en", firstNN.Sites().First().Language.Lang)
nnBundle, _ := nnSite.getPage(nil, "bundle")
enBundle, _ := enSite.getPage(nil, "bundle")
nnBundle := nnSite.getPage("page", "bundle")
enBundle := enSite.getPage("page", "bundle")
assert.Equal(6, len(enBundle.Resources))
assert.Equal(2, len(nnBundle.Resources))

View file

@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ NotFound: {{< thisDoesNotExist >}}
require.Len(t, h.Sites, 1)
s := h.Sites[0]
home, _ := s.getPage(nil, "/")
home := s.getPage(KindHome)
require.NotNil(t, home)
require.Len(t, home.outputFormats, 3)

View file

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import (
@ -504,7 +503,7 @@ func (s *SiteInfo) refLink(ref string, page *Page, relative bool, outputFormat s
var link string
if refURL.Path != "" {
target, err := s.getPage(page, refURL.Path)
target, err := s.getPageNew(page, refURL.Path)
if err != nil {
return "", err
@ -1603,19 +1602,45 @@ func (s *Site) appendThemeTemplates(in []string) []string {
// GetPage looks up a page of a given type for the given ref.
// {{ with .Site.GetPage "section" "blog" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}
// This will return nil when no page could be found, and will return an
// error if the key is ambiguous.
func (s *SiteInfo) GetPage(typ string, ref ...string) (*Page, error) {
var key string
if len(ref) == 1 {
key = filepath.ToSlash(ref[0])
} else {
key = path.Join(ref...)
// In Hugo <= 0.44 you had to add Page Kind (section, home) etc. as the first
// argument and then either a unix styled path (with or without a leading slash))
// or path elements separated.
// When we now remove the Kind from this API, we need to make the transition as painless
// as possible for existing sites. Most sites will use {{ .Site.GetPage "section" "my/section" }},
// i.e. 2 arguments, so we test for that.
func (s *SiteInfo) GetPage(ref ...string) (*Page, error) {
var refs []string
for _, r := range ref {
// A common construct in the wild is
// .Site.GetPage "home" "" or
// .Site.GetPage "home" "/"
if r != "" && r != "/" {
refs = append(refs, r)
return s.getPage(nil, key)
var key string
if len(refs) > 2 {
// This was allowed in Hugo <= 0.44, but we cannot support this with the
// new API. This should be the most unusual case.
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`too many arguments to .Site.GetPage: %v. Use lookups on the form {{ .Site.GetPage "/posts/mypage-md" }}`, ref)
if len(refs) == 0 || refs[0] == KindHome {
key = "/"
} else if len(refs) == 1 {
key = refs[0]
} else {
key = refs[1]
key = filepath.ToSlash(key)
if !strings.HasPrefix(key, "/") {
key = "/" + key
return s.getPageNew(nil, key)
func (s *Site) permalinkForOutputFormat(link string, f output.Format) (string, error) {

View file

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Len Pages: {{ .Kind }} {{ len .Site.RegularPages }} Page Number: {{ .Paginator.P
s := h.Sites[0]
require.Equal(t, "en", s.Language.Lang)
home, _ := s.getPage(nil, "/")
home := s.getPage(KindHome)
require.NotNil(t, home)
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ baseName = "customdelimbase"
th.assertFileContent("public/customdelimbase_del", "custom delim")
s := h.Sites[0]
home, _ := s.getPage(nil, "/")
home := s.getPage(KindHome)
require.NotNil(t, home)
outputs := home.OutputFormats()

View file

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Content
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "single.html"), "<html>Single|{{ .Title }}</html>")
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "list.html"),
{{ $sect := (.Site.GetPage "section" "l1" "l2") }}
{{ $sect := (.Site.GetPage "l1/l2") }}
<html>List|{{ .Title }}|L1/l2-IsActive: {{ .InSection $sect }}
{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
@ -135,19 +135,19 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
{"empty1", func(p *Page) {
// > b,c
assert.NotNil(p.s.getPage(nil, "empty1/b"))
assert.NotNil(p.s.getPage(nil, "empty1/b/c"))
assert.NotNil(p.s.getPage(KindSection, "empty1", "b"))
assert.NotNil(p.s.getPage(KindSection, "empty1", "b", "c"))
{"empty2", func(p *Page) {
// > b,c,d where b and d have content files.
b, _ := p.s.getPage(nil, "empty2/b")
b := p.s.getPage(KindSection, "empty2", "b")
assert.Equal("T40_-1", b.title)
c, _ := p.s.getPage(nil, "empty2/b/c")
c := p.s.getPage(KindSection, "empty2", "b", "c")
assert.Equal("Cs", c.title)
d, _ := p.s.getPage(nil, "empty2/b/c/d")
d := p.s.getPage(KindSection, "empty2", "b", "c", "d")
assert.Equal("T41_-1", d.title)
@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
{"/empty3", func(p *Page) {
{"empty3", func(p *Page) {
// b,c,d with regular page in b
b, _ := p.s.getPage(nil, "/empty3/b")
b := p.s.getPage(KindSection, "empty3", "b")
assert.Len(b.Pages, 1)
assert.Equal("", b.Pages[0].File.LogicalName())
@ -200,8 +200,7 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
active, err = p.InSection(child)
homePage, _ := p.s.getPage(nil, "/")
active, err = p.InSection(homePage)
active, err = p.InSection(p.s.getPage(KindHome))
@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
assert.Equal("T2_-1", p.Parent().title)
assert.Len(p.Sections(), 0)
l1, _ := p.s.getPage(nil, "l1")
l1 := p.s.getPage(KindSection, "l1")
isDescendant, err := l1.IsDescendant(p)
@ -266,18 +265,16 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
home, _ := s.getPage(nil, "/")
home := s.getPage(KindHome)
for _, test := range tests {
sections := strings.Split(test.sections, ",")
p, _ := s.Info.GetPage(KindSection, sections...)
p := s.getPage(KindSection, sections...)
assert.NotNil(p, fmt.Sprint(sections))
if p.Pages != nil {
fmt.Println(p, test.sections)
assert.NotNil(p.Parent(), fmt.Sprintf("Parent nil: %q", test.sections))
@ -287,7 +284,7 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
assert.Len(home.Sections(), 9)
assert.Equal(home.Sections(), s.Info.Sections())
rootPage, _ := s.getPage(nil, "")
rootPage := s.getPage(KindPage, "")
@ -297,7 +294,7 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
// If we later decide to do something about this, we will have to do some normalization in
// getPage.
// TODO(bep)
sectionWithSpace, _ := s.getPage(nil, "Spaces in Section")
sectionWithSpace := s.getPage(KindSection, "Spaces in Section")
require.NotNil(t, sectionWithSpace)
require.Equal(t, "/spaces-in-section/", sectionWithSpace.RelPermalink())

View file

@ -628,8 +628,7 @@ func TestOrderedPages(t *testing.T) {
s := buildSingleSite(t, deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg}, BuildCfg{SkipRender: true})
sect, _ := s.getPage(nil, "sect")
if sect.Pages[1].title != "Three" || sect.Pages[2].title != "Four" {
if s.getPage(KindSection, "sect").Pages[1].title != "Three" || s.getPage(KindSection, "sect").Pages[2].title != "Four" {
t.Error("Pages in unexpected order.")
@ -875,10 +874,8 @@ func TestWeightedTaxonomies(t *testing.T) {
func setupLinkingMockSite(t *testing.T) *Site {
sources := [][2]string{
{filepath.FromSlash("level2/"), ""},
{filepath.FromSlash(""), ""},
{filepath.FromSlash(""), ""},
{filepath.FromSlash("root-image.png"), ""},
{filepath.FromSlash(""), ""},
{filepath.FromSlash("level2/"), ""},
{filepath.FromSlash("level2/"), ""},
@ -886,7 +883,7 @@ func setupLinkingMockSite(t *testing.T) *Site {
{filepath.FromSlash("level2/2-image.png"), ""},
{filepath.FromSlash("level2/common.png"), ""},
{filepath.FromSlash("level2/level3/"), ""},
{filepath.FromSlash("level2/level3/"), ""},
{filepath.FromSlash("level2/level3/"), ""},
{filepath.FromSlash("level2/level3/"), ""},
{filepath.FromSlash("level2/level3/3-image.png"), ""},
@ -913,7 +910,7 @@ func TestRefLinking(t *testing.T) {
site := setupLinkingMockSite(t)
currentPage, _ := site.getPage(nil, "level2/level3/")
currentPage := site.getPage(KindPage, "level2/level3/")
if currentPage == nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to find current page in site")
@ -924,16 +921,12 @@ func TestRefLinking(t *testing.T) {
relative bool
expected string
{"/level2/", "", true, "/level2/unique/"},
{"../", "", true, "/level2/unique/"},
{"/level2/", "", true, "/level2/common/"},
{"../", "", true, "/level2/common/"},
{"", "", true, "/level2/level3/common/"},
{"/", "", true, "/common/"},
{"", "", true, "/level2/unique/"},
{"level2/", "", true, "/level2/common/"},
{"", "", true, "/level2/level3/3-root/"},
} {
if out, err := site.Info.refLink(, currentPage, test.relative, test.outputFormat); err != nil || out != test.expected {
t.Errorf("[%d] Expected %q from %q to resolve to %q, got %q - error: %s", i,, currentPage.absoluteSourceRef(), test.expected, out, err)
t.Errorf("[%d] Expected %s to resolve to (%s), got (%s) - error: %s", i,, test.expected, out, err)

View file

@ -117,12 +117,12 @@ Do not go gentle into that good night.
assert.Len(s.RegularPages, 2)
notUgly, _ := s.getPage(nil, "sect1/")
notUgly := s.getPage(KindPage, "sect1/")
assert.Equal("sect1", notUgly.Section())
assert.Equal("/sect1/p1/", notUgly.RelPermalink())
ugly, _ := s.getPage(nil, "sect2/")
ugly := s.getPage(KindPage, "sect2/")
assert.Equal("sect2", ugly.Section())
assert.Equal("/sect2/p2.html", ugly.RelPermalink())
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Do not go gentle into that good night.
assert.Len(s.RegularPages, 10)
sect1, _ := s.getPage(nil, "sect1")
sect1 := s.getPage(KindSection, "sect1")
assert.Equal("/ss1/", sect1.RelPermalink())
th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "ss1", "index.html"), "P1|URL: /ss1/|Next: /ss1/page/2/")

View file

@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ permalinkeds:
for taxonomy, count := range taxonomyTermPageCounts {
term, _ := s.getPage(nil, taxonomy)
term := s.getPage(KindTaxonomyTerm, taxonomy)
require.NotNil(t, term)
require.Len(t, term.Pages, count)
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ permalinkeds:
cat1, _ := s.getPage(nil, "categories/cat1")
cat1 := s.getPage(KindTaxonomy, "categories", "cat1")
require.NotNil(t, cat1)
if uglyURLs {
require.Equal(t, "/blog/categories/cat1.html", cat1.RelPermalink())
@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ permalinkeds:
require.Equal(t, "/blog/categories/cat1/", cat1.RelPermalink())
pl1, _ := s.getPage(nil, "permalinkeds/pl1")
permalinkeds, _ := s.getPage(nil, "permalinkeds")
pl1 := s.getPage(KindTaxonomy, "permalinkeds", "pl1")
permalinkeds := s.getPage(KindTaxonomyTerm, "permalinkeds")
require.NotNil(t, pl1)
require.NotNil(t, permalinkeds)
if uglyURLs {
@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ permalinkeds:
// Issue #3070 preserveTaxonomyNames
if preserveTaxonomyNames {
helloWorld, _ := s.getPage(nil, "others/Hello Hugo world")
helloWorld := s.getPage(KindTaxonomy, "others", "Hello Hugo world")
require.NotNil(t, helloWorld)
require.Equal(t, "Hello Hugo world", helloWorld.title)
} else {
helloWorld, _ := s.getPage(nil, "others/hello-hugo-world")
helloWorld := s.getPage(KindTaxonomy, "others", "hello-hugo-world")
require.NotNil(t, helloWorld)
require.Equal(t, "Hello Hugo World", helloWorld.title)