resources/images: Retain newlines with text overlays

Closes #12206
This commit is contained in:
Joe Mooring 2024-03-06 08:15:39 -08:00 committed by Bjørn Erik Pedersen
parent 7afac3f1ad
commit 05e23bd55c

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@ -91,15 +91,19 @@ func (f textFilter) Draw(dst draw.Image, src image.Image, options *gift.Options)
y := f.y
d.Dot = fixed.P(f.x, f.y)
// Draw text and break line at max width
parts := strings.Fields(f.text)
for _, str := range parts {
strWith := font.MeasureString(face, str)
if (d.Dot.X.Ceil() + strWith.Ceil()) >= maxWidth {
y = y + fontHeight + f.linespacing
d.Dot = fixed.P(f.x, y)
// Draw text line by line, breaking each line at the maximum width.
f.text = strings.ReplaceAll(f.text, "\r", "")
for _, line := range strings.Split(f.text, "\n") {
for _, str := range strings.Fields(line) {
strWidth := font.MeasureString(face, str)
if (d.Dot.X.Ceil() + strWidth.Ceil()) >= maxWidth {
y = y + fontHeight + f.linespacing
d.Dot = fixed.P(f.x, y)
d.DrawString(str + " ")
d.DrawString(str + " ")
y = y + fontHeight + f.linespacing
d.Dot = fixed.P(f.x, y)