[![Test deployment](https://github.com/GeekOops/geekoops-collectd/actions/workflows/CI.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/GeekOops/geekoops-collectd/actions/workflows/CI.yml) # geekoops-collectd Easy ansible role to setup `collectd`. Currently only `influxdb` is supported by this role. This ansible role works with - openSUSE Leap 15.2 ## Role Variables | Value | Description | Default | |-------|-------------|---------| |`nodename`| Name of the node that will be shown in grafana | "localhost" | |`interval`| Report interval in seconds | 10 | |`overwrite`| Overwrite existing `collectd.conf` file | false | |`enable_influx`| Enable InfluxDB | false | |`influx_host`| InfluxDB host | "" | |`influx_port`| InfluxDB post | 25826 | |`enable_disk`| Enable disk plugin | true | |`enable_cpu`| Enable CPU plugin | true | |`enable_load`| Enable load plugin | true | |`enable_memory`| Enable memory plugin | true | |`enable_swap`| Enable swap plugin | true | |`enable_df`| Enable df plugin | false | |`disk_disks`| Disks added to the `disk` plugin | [] | |`df_disks`| Disks added to the `df` plugin | [] | If `overwrite` is true, any existing `collectd.conf` file will be overwritten by ansible. Use this with caution! The existing configuration will only be written, if `collectd` is installed. ## Example Playbook - hosts: jellyfish roles: - { role: geekoops-collectd } ## License MIT ## Author Information phoenix Have a lot of fun!